Named Honor Roll Schools by the Campaign for Business and Education Excellence
Two Pasadena Unified School District campuses have won U.S. News & World Report silver medals as part the magazine’s 2017 Best High Schools ranking, and another five have been named Honor Roll schools by a national campaign of business and education leaders.
Marshall Fundamental Secondary School and Pasadena High School have received silver medals from U.S. News & World Report’s annual Best High Schools ranking, which highlights top-performing public schools. Rankings are based on student achievement and college readiness data, including Advanced Placement test participation and passage rates.
Don Benito Fundamental, Hamilton Elementary, Webster Elementary, Marshall Fundamental and Pasadena High School have been selected as Honor Roll Schools by the Educational Results Partnership (ERP) and its Campaign for Business and Education Excellence (CBEE), an alliance of California business and academic leaders. Schools receiving the honor roll distinction have demonstrated consistent high levels of student academic achievement, improvement in achievement levels over time, and reduction in achievement gaps among student populations. For high schools, the honor roll recognition also includes measures of college readiness.
“Congratulations to the students, faculty and staff, and families of these schools,” said Superintendent Brian McDonald. “These awards recognize schools that have consistently demonstrated improvement and high levels of student achievement so that our graduates are ready for success in college and careers.”
For more information about the U.S. News and World Report Best High Schools, visit www.usnews.com/highschools. For information about the CBEE Honor Roll Schools, visit http://www.edresults.org/HonorRoll/HonorRoll?State=CA.