Cultural Bytes, an interactive language program for kids ages 4-12 will be offering their fun, competitive, game-based, total immersion and language camp for TODDLERS in Spanish and Mandarin at Hastings Ranch Nursery School 3740 E. Sierra Madre Blvd., Pasadena, starting July 31 – August 11 from 8:30 a.m. – 12:30 p.m. for Spanish and 1 p.m.-4 p.m. for Mandarin.
And the French Camp for kids grades TK-1st near the new French Dual Immersion program at Altadena Elementary starting the first week of July for two weeks from 9:00am -5:00pm
Native speaking teachers with security clearances will recreate a non-English environment and focus on developing an authentic culture and camaraderie with students using crafts, songs and games that will engage kids to be part of the family of language learners this summer.
Using only the target language, in this case French and Mandarin teachers as well as students are forced to communicate without speaking English. This can be daunting for newcomers but at the same time a new type of challenge and even a thrill for overachievers and just plain fun way to spend the summer learning a life skill and a language on the way.
Kids with some or no level of French and Mandarin are welcome to join since all kids “bring something to the table” during the communication process. Cultural Bytes incorporates a multiple intelligence approach making each cohort at each camp a very unique and memorable experience for students each time. So, Pasadena will now be able to get a taste of it for themselves this summer!
Cultural Bytes has offered total immersion Spanish camps for over 6 years at different locations such as Hacienda Heights, Glendale. Granada Hills, Montebello and Thousand Oaks. This year they will be starting at two new locations: Montebello and Thousand Oaks. The French camp will also be starting this year in Pasadena as well as a English as a Second Language camp next year for Mandarin middle school students at the UCLA campus.
Their commitment goes beyond the classroom setting for Cultural Bytes. Different frequencies and intensity options are also offered such as “Saturday classes”, “winter camps” and “Private tutoring”. They’re also the sole distributors for the US and Canada of the equivalent to the basal reader “Dick and Jane” but in Spanish, their leading title available on Amazon, “Nacho Lectura Inicial”.
In addition, to ensuring quality material for their own Spanish curriculum as well as the dual immersion schools throughout the US, the program director, “Señora Jackie, reads once a month at 3 different Barnes and Noble in Spanish.
Interested parents can sign up for a special discount until the end of the month at www.cultural-bytes.org
They can also sign up for a demo class!