In conjunction with the Pasadena City College Extended Learning Program
Inspired by the Women’s Institute for Financial Education (WIFE.org), local financial experts, attorneys, and divorce therapists unite in helping women navigate the challenges of “untying the knot.”
When WIFE.org co-founders and KPBS local heroes Candace Bahr and Ginita Wall founded Second Saturday Divorce Workshops through their non-profit 25 years ago, they never imagined that they would be offering support to tens of thousands of women as they struggled with the devastating process of divorce. Second Saturday Divorce Workshops have cropped up around the country, and with over 50 percent of marriages ending in divorce, it is clear that more help is needed.
In this same spirit, and with permission from WIFE.org, John M. Vance and Vance Wealth Group Inc. have modeled the Pasadena Second Saturday Divorce Workshop after the game-changing original.
The Second Saturday Divorce Workshop will be held in Pasadena this April 9. Similar to Bahr and Wall’s original workshop, the Pasadena Second Saturday workshop will address the legal, financial, family, and personal issues of divorce in a logical, yet compassionate way. With the guidance of trained professionals, participants will gain greater understanding of the confusing divorce process in a way that can often save them tens of thousands of dollars and may help them avoid going to court.
Says John Vance about Second Saturday:
“Divorce is not easy, and we are proud to affiliate with WIFE.org to provide this Second Saturday workshop. It is our hope that people attending the workshop will decide to work on their marriages and keep their families intact rather than go through the rigors of divorce. But regardless, Second Saturday provides a great opportunity for women to acquire non-biased, straightforward information and options to help them focus on what they need to do legally and financially through difficult times, and hopefully save a whole lot of time, grief, and money.”
The April Divorce Workshop will be held at the Vance Wealth Group Pasadena office at 100 W. Villa St., Suite 101, from 9 a.m. to 12 p.m., with registration beginning at 8:30 a.m. The fee of $45 is payable at the door and pre-registration is available online at: www.vancewealth.com/Events/Second-Saturday. For more information, call (626) 507-7071.