As a result of community comments about traffic and poor operation of the signal at the intersection of Huntington Drive and Mayflower Avenue, Monrovia city staff along with staff from the Los Angeles County Department of Public Works (County) have been working to develop improvements.
County employees are scheduled to implement improvements—including new striping layout, signage, and traffic signal timing—on Sunday, June 23, from 6 a.m. to 4 p.m. The work will be supervised by an inspector from the City, as well as engineers from Los Angeles County.
Closing the gap in the median on Mayflower Avenue, south of Huntington, to prevent left turns.The upcoming changes can be summarized to include the following:
- Changing the signal operations to a “Split Phase” whereby traffic on Mayflower Avenue will cycle with all northbound traffic at one and then all southbound traffic so that they are not on the same cycle.
- Implementing new lane configurations for the northbound traffic on Mayflower Avenue, including:
- Number 1 lane: left turn only.
- Number 2 lane: left turn or straight/through.
- Number 3 lane: right turn only.
Once the changes have been implemented, staff will continue to monitor the location for safety and efficiency.
If you have any questions or concerns, contact Public Works at (626) 932-5575.