The City of Monrovia, together with the Monrovia Unified School District, the Volunteer Center of the San Gabriel Valley and Centre Stage, invites you to be a part of the Monrovia Days Parade on Saturday, May 18. The parade theme is “Celebrating our Scholars and Champions” and all are encouraged to help recognize Monrovia’s talented youth.
Beginning at 10 a.m., the parade will travel north on Myrtle Avenue beginning at Olive Avenue and conclude at Library Park. Each entry will be judged and prizes will be awarded in the following categories: Best Musical Entry, Judge’s Award, Most Unique Entry, Best Overall Entry and the Monrovia Days Spirit Award.
The parade is only one part of the three-day community festival which includes: performances, the Famous Pie Eating Contest, live musical entertainment, beer garden, carnival food, games and carnival rides.
To participate in the parade, applications should be submitted to the Monrovia Community Center (119 W. Palm Ave., Monrovia, CA, 91016), faxed to (626) 256-8232 or emailed to Ashley Gonzalez at agonzalez@ci.monrovia.ca.us. The registration deadline is Friday, May 10.
For more information regarding the Monrovia Days Community Festival, contact the Monrovia Community Center at (626) 256-8246 or visit the event website at MonroviaDays.org.