Work is scheduled to begin this next week on construction of a 16-inch water pipeline as a part of the Monrovia Renewal North Section Infrastructure Improvements Project. This water improvement – which is designed to improve water flows, pressure, and reliability in the area – includes major construction efforts to install a 16-inch pipeline from the intersection of Laurel Lane and Canyon Crest Drive, over to Canyon Blvd., and then north on Canyon Blvd. up to the Oakglade Reservoir. The map above highlights the section of Canyon Blvd. where the work will be taking place.
This next week, construction will be contained to Laurel Lane and Canyon Crest Drive. All impacted residents have been – and will continue to be – provided with proper notification. In addition, the necessary parking restrictions will also be posted.
Moving ahead, beginning on Monday, April 8, work will begin on Canyon Boulevard. During construction, parking will be restricted during working hours along Canyon Boulevard, from Canyon Crest Drive to Oakglade Drive. This will be necessary given that traffic will be reduced to one lane, with proper traffic control and flaggers in place to safely direct vehicle traffic.
The City will maintain vehicle access to Canyon Park, and furthermore, pedestrian access along the sidewalk will also be maintained.
Given the extent of these improvements, we are asking that all motorists and pedestrians traveling in the area be cautious and aware of the activity occurring, and to expect delays when traveling through the identified construction area. Of note, the City expects this particular bit of construction activity to be completed by Friday, April 25.
If there are any questions or concerns, contact the Public Works Division at (626) 932-5575, or via email at Monroviarenewal@ci.monrovia.ca.us.
Additionally, updated construction schedules and notices will be available on the City’s website and on the City’s social media accounts. The City appreciates the community’s patience during these periods of construction activity.