Retirement services for Bishop Wm. LaRue Dillard have been set for the weekend of May 18-19 and will mark the culmination of four decades of ministry.
Dillard was called to the ministry in 1957 and preached his first trial sermonic message on Feb. 19, 1957. The Suffolk, Virginia native was later ordained a Baptist clergyman through the ministry of Mount Zion Baptist Church in Los Angeles by the late under-shepherd Dr. Edward Victor Hill, Sr.
Dillard’s first parish assignment was in 1959 at Faith Mission Church in Portsmouth, New Hampshire for one year.
He was assigned to the historic Second Baptist Church in Monrovia on January 1, 1974. The Church has been in existence for 117 years. Dillard has been with the church for 45 years, that is a third of those years.
“By far, my under shepherding bishopric overseer for a generation here at Second Baptist Church, Monrovia, California has been a labor of love producing consequential commentary among my congregants and society at large,” Dillard has said.