Do you know an older American who is worthy of recognition for their service to others in the community? Now is your chance to celebrate and honor them.
Monrovia is now accepting nominations for the 2019 Older American of the Year Award hosted by Los Angeles County Commission for Older Adults (LACCOA). A copy of the nomination can be found on the City’s website, and the award is presented to a Monrovian 60 years of age or older, working or retired, and still actively involved in a volunteer service in Monrovia. The purpose of the award is to honor and encourage older individuals to remain active in our community.
Nominations are due Friday, March 15, at the Monrovia Community Center. The address is 119 W. Palm Ave.
Individuals submitting nominations will need to provide their name, address, and phone number so staff may contact them if further information is needed. The Older American Award recipient will be honored at the Senior Recognition Luncheon on Thursday, April 25, at the Monrovia Community Center and at the 54th Annual Older Americans Recognition Day Awards Program on Thursday, May 23, at the Dorothy Chandler Pavilion Music Center Grand Hall. For any additional information or questions, call (626) 256-8248.