I’m not sure where to start this week, so much is happening! Let’s start with food, specifically donuts and spaghetti. Stay with me here, this will get better.
The Donut Society opened Tuesday morning, Nov. 14. There must be a lot of starving folks in and around Monrovia, because the place was packed most of the day. After running some errands, I stopped in to say “hi” to the owners (and do a little taste-testing). The line went fairly fast, but the decision-making was the time-killer. The end result was absolutely delicious!
Then, on my way back to my car, as I passed by Sunday’s Old Town Bistro, I remembered the spaghetti they served during this year’s Wine Walk – the spaghetti that I didn’t get to taste. Of course, I had to stop for a sample to take back to my office, and that too was amazing. I just love this town…
Because of the food, the shops the events – because of the people, Old Town Monrovia remains the community gathering place it was created to be so many years ago. Things change: businesses change, City staff changes, climate changes, and for sure the economy changes – but the beauty remains. I’m not alone in thinking we have one of the most beautiful main streets in the entire country – maybe the world. Our holiday decorations are magically appearing, little by little. Some of the ornaments are in some of the trees, and the traditional Candy Canes are up, new red bows and all. A few of our friends are, as they are every year, a bit annoyed at the “early” appearance of the holidays in our historic district, but when we explain the effort and time that goes into the decorating and remind them the beauty can’t be ready for them the day after Thanksgiving unless the job is done during the weeks before, they smile, just like the rest of us.
As for me, I’m still smiling about the work being done inside the 316 building. I’m even delighted with the huge dumpster blocking the alleyway directly behind the shops on that east side. Just give us a finished building and all will be forgiven! The Edison work is all done back there and that huge hole in the ground is gone, which I believe means that the old 4th Dimension site now has adequate electricity. I’ve been trying to run down a FB comment that Basin 141 is negotiating a deal to open on Myrtle. Maybe this site? Maybe the old Craft Hill/Sow House/Café Opera site? Just guessing – as of Monday the City didn’t have any knowledge. Either site would be wonderful, so, Basin 141, please come to Old Town!
Now, forgive me for sounding commercial (I’m not a greedy merchant, just an Old Town advocate) but Black Friday, Small Business Saturday and a boatload of events and sales are beginning the day after Thanksgiving. Oh, yes, and Santa on 11/24 at 10 a.m. Ho ho ho.