Arcadia Public Library is offering a surprising array of programming and activities for teens and adults, as well phone, pick-up, and online services this summer.
Adults and teens can sign up for summer reading programs by visiting the Library’s webpage and clicking on the “Summer at Arcadia Public Library” tile. Both adults and teens can record the number of minutes they read, while adults can write and submit short book reviews to be entered into the grand prize drawing of an Amazon gift card. Teens can write and submit micro-essays on life during #stayathome to earn points towards their grand prizes, in addition to recording the minutes they’ve spent reading. Adults can also enjoy a virtual “Adult Recess” program, which is available at the beginning of each month. July’s featured craft is “Sharpie vases,” with August’s craft is paper beads. Visit the Library’s YouTube page or the Events Calendar on the webpage.
Click on “Available Services” on the Library’s webpage for information on front-door book pick-up, online library card applications and fine payment. The book pick-up service lets you call the library and request items from the collection, which staff will find for you and check out to your library card. Let the library know when you’ll arrive and they’ll make sure they are waiting for you in front of the Library. Don’t have a card? Take advantage of the online application the Library offers. Online chat is available on the Library’s webpage as well.
Ready to stream movies? Click on the “Ebooks and More” option for Kanopy, an amazing collection of movies that you can download and watch for free. Magazines are your thing? RBdigital will let you select from a wide range of new magazines—with no due date! Want to learn a new language? Try Mango Languages for guided online learning. Want to download books for adults and teens? Try Overdrive and the Libby app. Looking for children’s books? Tumble Books offers a wide range of complete books for children of all ages that they can read on their own or have them read aloud—and the games and puzzles that accompany each story help increase comprehension and vocabulary!
For more information, call (626) 821-5567, or visit the Arcadia Public Library’s website at