By Terry Miller
In the ever-growing wake of construction and development in area cities, Arcadia officials are finding that there has been a lot of talk about preserving what’s left of Arcadia’s colorful history.
You may recall the anger and resentment residents felt about the razing of Anita Baldwin’s mansion, Anoakia, 19 years ago. That memory is still rather fresh in the minds of many who believe the property should have been preserved and maintained as a major historical museum. Instead, the building was razed and a developer built what some call “McMansions” – multi-million dollar homes – on the large lot.
The meeting, which will certainly be well-attended, is set to take place on Feb. 19 at Arcadia Council Chambers at 7 p.m.
Resolution No. 7240 and Ordinance No. 2359 will amend the City’s Development Code, Article IX of the Arcadia Municipal Code Adopting the city’s first Historic Preservation Ordinance and a list of “176 potential historic resources,” according to the city’s website.
“The Draft Ordinance provides a framework to protect certain structures and resources that are important to the history of the city. This includes a Categorical Exemption from California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) pursuant to Section 15308 and under the General Rule Exemption since no construction activities or other direct physical changes would result from the adoption of the Historic Preservation Ordinance.”
To view this notice in Chinese, click here.
For questions, please contact Planning Services at (626) 574-5423 or email planning@ArcadiaCA.gov.