A sweet night of Valentine bingo will be held at the Arcadia Woman’s Club (324 S. First Ave.) on Wednesday, Feb. 13 at 6 p.m. This light-hearted and casual fundraiser will benefit club activities and is open to the public. The Arcadia Woman’s Club is a non-profit organization that conducts a variety of community service projects.
The reservation cost is $30 for adults and $20 for children younger than 12 and includes sheets for 10 bingo games, dinner, dessert and soft drink. A no host wine and beer bar will be available. Bingo game prizes will be cash and gift cards. Tickets at the door are $35. Extra bingo sheets, ink daubers, pull tabs, opportunity drawing tickets, and sheets for the $100 blackout game (not included with admission) will be available for purchase.
Reservations are encouraged by Feb. 10 as tickets at the door will be $35. For reservations and information, contact Dianne Chapman at (626) 287-0232 or dcc6825@aol.com or Cheryl Alberg at (626) 287-2831 or caja2@aol.com.