Signs finalized along Royal Oaks Drive between California Avenue and Shamrock Avenue
During the past few months, the city has been working to finalize commemorative activities that recognize the contributions of the late Mayor Bob Bartlett. To that end, the city has been working on the development of a public art piece that is planned for installation down at Station Square, along with upgrading the existing signage along Royal Oaks Drive, which was dedicated in honor of Mayor Bartlett back in December 2014. Royal Oaks Drive was chosen as the street that would be dedicated in Mayor Bartlett’s honor given that he lived on the street as a child.
Currently, there is signage installed on Royal Oaks Drive honoring Mayor Bartlett, and a team has been working of late to upgrade that signage with a new look. To that end, the city has designed a commemorative sign that is similar to existing street signs, which plan to be installed on Royal Oaks Drive between California Avenue and Shamrock Avenue. The new signage is anticipated to be installed within the next few weeks.