The City of Monrovia received confirmation that Aldi Supermarket and TJ Maxx / Homegoods are tentatively set to repopulate the former Albertson’s Shopping Center which has now been appropriately named, ‘Monrovia Landing. ‘ The redevelopment of the site has been a long time coming, and the Community Development Department staff has been working very hard according to the latest city manager’s report, the shopping center’s new ownership group (Warner Pacific) to facilitate the reestablishment of the facility.
To that end, this past week, the City’s Development Review Committee (DRC) formally approved a façade remodel for the shopping center, which is being rebranded and renamed to be called, “Monrovia Landing.” The newly reimagined shopping center will feature an Aldi Supermarket and TJ Maxx / Homegoods store, and of particular note, the developer agreed to preserve the plane mural currently located on the building. Also of note, the DRC also issued initial approvals this past week for the Conditional Use Permits that Aldi Supermarket will need for their beer / wine sales, as well as their shopping cart containment plan.
The reimagined Monrovia Landing shopping center will see the existing Michael’s store moving next to O’Reilly Auto Parts. There will be a small addition of approximately 2,300 SF to the west of the existing facility to give O’Reilly’s Auto Parts a larger façade, and when everything is completed, the current concept plan breaks down the tenants as follows:
– O’Reilly’s Auto Parts – 6,700 SF
– Michael’s – 23,100 SF
– Aldi Supermarket – 23,400 SF
– TJ Maxx / HomeGoods – 43,000 SF
– Vacant future tenant space – 20,100 SF
It is important to note that to date, only a soft demolition permit has been issued, and the City has not yet received any building plans for our plan check process. In addition, the Warner Pacific development team has been a non-committal regarding construction timeframes / opening dates, however, now that the tenant mix has been finalized, staff expects that we should be receiving some concrete dates in the near future. As soon as we have additional information, we will be certain to share the news.