During the past few weeks, Monrovia city staff has been engaged in discussions with Tharaldson Hospitality Group (THG) regarding the proposed Marriott TownePlace Suites Hotel project planned for the southwest corner of Myrtle Avenue and Huntington Drive.
The THG development team has made good progress of late in developing the details needed to submit a formal application for the proposed project, which will be subject to Development Review Committee, Planning Commission, and City Council consideration.
At this point in time, the plans that have been developed for the hotel are still very conceptual in nature, however, they are needed to begin the evaluation of potential environmental impacts pursuant to CEQA. Furthermore, an important element associated with the environmental review for the project is to hold a scoping meeting where members of the community can provide feedback regarding the proposed development initiative.
The feedback received at the scoping meeting can then be addressed through the environmental and design review processes.
This past week, the city finalized plans for the community scoping meeting regarding the hotel project, which will take place on Oct. 13 from 6 p.m. to 8 p.m., at the Monrovia Public Library. Representatives from the project team and City staff will be on hand at the meeting, and a flyer publicizing the event has been developed and included as an attachment.