The LA County Fair celebrated ‘Azusa Day’ recently at the Los Angeles County Fairgrounds in Pomona. The city also recognized its “Hometown Heroes” for 2016.
One such ‘Hometown Hero’, Philip Salvatti, was honored as the ‘Adult Community Hero.’
Salvatti was recognized for his volunteer work with community outreach focusing on child and teen safety through conceptual digital story telling.
Having worked in film and television and in collaboration with the Azusa Police Departments Social Media Team under officer Mike Bires, Salvatti directed 13 two-minute theatrical style public service announcements (PSA’s) for the community.
The finished products were then played on the police department’s Facebook page, Twitter and YouTube channels. Other outlets also picked up Salvatti’s work recognizing the importance of safety issues presented in a unique and creative way way.
Salvatti reached out to the city’s parks and recreation department to get various PSA’s (Public Service Announcements) shown during the Summer’s “Movies in the Park Series.”
The PSA’s focus on child traffic safety when it comes to helmets, distracted driving as well as drunk driving. Salvatti also has a segment on the critically important aspect of gun safety.
The subjects were selected based on traffic and safety issues the police officers deal with on a daily basis.
Salvatti says “Once Officer Mike Bires pointed out the subject matter, my goal was to figure out how to tell it, where to shoot, with no budget, no crew, using mostly available light, then editing it all as quick as possible. All while making the messages dramatically engaging. – Its gorilla film making at its purist.”
With the Azusa Police department’s local college intern Jasmine Munson in tow… helping out on costumes, props, logistics and backup actor, all the PSA actors in the commercials are all young people from Azusa.
“It’s another great way to reach out, get them involved in the film making process. When I put them in front of the camera and directed them in scenes they were all fantastic. The city has talent,” Salvatti said.
His other community videos included, “Azusa Gold Line – first ride with the Mayor”, “The Special Olympics”, Fireworks Safety, “Golden Days”, and honoring our vets at Azusa’s VFW.