Monrovia Renewal, a multi-year project to repair the city’s infrastructure is set to begin.
The southwest (SW) and southeast (SE) are the first two segments of Monrovia Renewal scheduled for construction, starting this summer through mid-2017.
Pipeline and sidewalk repairs will begin in early August and street-related work is expected to begin in October, starting in the SW region and moving east.
Colors on the map correlate to the following treatments:
– Yellow: slurry seal – thin, smooth top coat added to prevent damage from worsening. It will take a full working day to lay and allow seal to dry/cure. Road will be closed while drying.
– Blue: cape seal – loose chip layer and slurry seal on top to repair minor damage. There will be a temporary impact – seven to 10 days of rough chip layer, then slurry seal.
– Green: mill and overlay – removes and replaces top two inches of asphalt to repair major damage. There will be intermittent road closures for two to three weeks. Driving will be allowed on rough bottom layer. Parking will be restricted.
– Red: reconstruction – rehabilitation of base layer, then new layer added. Road surface will return to dirt, followed by hot asphalt pouring. There will be intermittent road closures for three weeks. Parking will be restricted.
– Yellow/red dashes: water and sewer pipelines – repairs to pipelines underneath street. Impact varies depending on size and length of repair. There will be partial or full closures during the day, which will be re-opened at night. Heavy equipment will be in use.