The Recreation and Community Services Department offers the Fall Kid’s Camp at Holly Avenue Elementary School, 360 W. Duarte Rd., Arcadia starting Monday, Nov. 20 to Wednesday, Nov. 22 from 8 a.m. – 6 p.m. Each day is filled with fun group activities including crafts, board games, movies, and snacks for youth ages 5-12. Parents are able to sign their children up for one day or all three.
Fall camp is $27 per child per day. To get a copy of the fall “Buzz” stop by our office, 375 Campus Drive; Arcadia City Hall, 240 W. Huntington Dr.; or the Arcadia Public Library, 20 W. Duarte Rd. To register in person come by our office or you can go to the city’s website at www.arcadiaCA.gov under the Recreation and Community Services Department to download a copy. The “Buzz” also displays programs and classes for the 2016 fall season in our new, more user-friendly format for you and your family. Do you want to know what the “Buzz” is about in Arcadia? Pick up the latest copy of “The Peacock Buzz” to find out! For more questions, please contact the Recreation Department at (626)-574-5113.