By Emily G. Peters
There’s audio equipment—and then there’s Brooks Berdan. Founded by husband-and-wife team Sheila Berdan and the late Brooks Berdan, this impressive shop has been supplying audio junkies with their fix for nearly 30 years.
Specializing in high end audio gear and installation, Brooks Berdan was highly respected in the audio industry throughout the course of his career. It’s a field he seemed destined from childhood.
“My late husband had a passion for music since he was four years old, walking around with his transistor radio,” said Sheila Berdan. “He wanted to share what he had learned about obtaining excellent and accurate playback of musical performances. We decided to open our own retail store in order to offer the best high end audio systems available and superior customer service.”

Designed by audiophiles, for audiophiles, Brooks Berdan provides listeners with a premium try-before-you-buy experience in their 2,200 square foot showroom. The space is divided into four listening spaces to allow visitors test and enjoy the latest and greatest in sound technology. It’s an ideal match for those who take audio visual entertainment seriously for their home or studio.
“We offer in-home consultations and installations for 2-channel audio systems; whole home-distributed audio for both indoor and outdoor,” said Berdan. “We also specialize in home theater components, including projectors, screens, speakers, acoustic treatment, theater seating and furniture to host audio/video components.”
Smaller gear gets a lot of love here, too. Brooks Berdan supplies all kinds of subtle gadgetry to boost the simpler sonic experience, like amplifiers so tiny they can be used with your smartphone. The shop is valhalla for vinyhilists as well, with some of the finest domestic and international models available featured in-store—with repair and cleaning services to keep those records slick. Yet, perhaps the most impressive feature of Brooks Berdan’s services is its team of skilled technicians.
“I currently am the President and General Manager, and Rick Vides is our store manager, overseeing the technical side of our showroom set-ups, customer home consultations, recommendations and expert turntable setup and calibration,” said Berdan. “Ken Davis is our valuable senior sales associate, very accomplished on system setup, home consultations, customer education, sales and more.”
As the team approaches its 30th birthday this January, celebrations are in order. “On January 20, 2018, we’ll have a live music performance, music, dancing, food and drinks and special talented and respected guests from our industry,” said Berdan. “We hope also to have a business friend of ours bring beautiful cars in which he has installed state-of-the-art car audio systems.”
With the accolade of “Best Audio Store” in Los Angeles under its belt, the party is Berdan’s way of saying thank you to the community. “Our target audience is those who love music,” she said. So audiophiles—this song’s for you.
Brooks Berdan is located at 110 West Olive Ave in Monrovia. Contact the Berdan team at www.brooksberdanltd.com | 626.359.9131 | and follow the sound on Facebook and Instagram @brooksberdanltd.