Due to the recent swarm of EQ’s in the Salton Sea, the USGS has released a statement indicating an increased risk of a large (7.0+) event possibly Tuesday, Oct 4.
The USGS like any geological survey calculates the probability of earthquakes of different sizes happening over different time periods.
Earthquake swarms like these can indicate stress releasing or building up. So with recent events in mind, the USGS have released a “warning” of sorts from Oct. 1 to 4 – saying the chances of a large EQ occurring are now between 1/3000 and 1/100. In terms of percentage, that’s a 0.03 percent or 1 percent chance.
If you live in one of the following areas: Ventura, San Bernardino, San Diego, Orange, Kern, Imperial, Los Angeles, or Riverside County, be aware that there is an increased likelihood of a large EQ.
With that being said, you should be prepared. You should have an emergency kit put together and a plan on what to do to get home if you’re at school, work or another place you frequent.