Manager of Golden West military surplus store Larry Salas said he won’t carry Confederate flags anymore due to the public outcry over the symbol, which means racism and hatred to many people across the nation, not just the south.
Ralph Walker of KGEM interviewed the store’s manager Wednesday afternoon on why they still carried the flag. The program will be aired on KGEM in a couple of days.
The store replied that the flags are fairly popular with younger people, but it has only sold a few of the offensive symbols, which were apparently made in China.
Once his current inventory runs out, that’s it. No more.
The national debate over the continued use of the Confederate flag in the wake of the deadly church shooting in Charleston, South Carolina, has even reached The Dukes of Hazzard and the show’s famed car.
Warner Bros.’ consumer division says it will stop licensing toy cars and models featuring the General Lee with the controversial flag on its roof.