The CDE announced June 12 that Maxwell Elementary and Monte Vista Elementary are among the 67 before and after school programs throughout the state that will share $4.6 million in state grants designed to give students safe places to go outside of school hours, while also providing them expanded opportunities to learn or participate in enrichment activities.
Maxwell Elementary received $450 and Monte Vista Elementary received $37,500.
The grants are part of the After School Education and Safety (ASES) Program that was created as a result of a 2002 voter-approved initiative called Proposition 49. The ASES program helps schools partner with local community resources to provide constructive alternatives for children before and after school hours.
Children enrolled in these programs can get tutoring or homework assistance. They can also take advantage of activities like art, physical activity, college and career preparation, service learning, and more.
Eligible ASES applicants included local educational agencies, colleges and universities, and community partners. Only those schools serving the largest percentage of low-income students are eligible for new ASES funding. Among all schools currently receiving such funding, 79 percent of students are low income.
Visit the CDE’s Web page at for more information.