Plastic Jesus’ Art Attacked by Edward Scissorhands
By Terry Miller
A fellow immigrant from England and photojournalist known as “Plastic Jesus” got quite a lot of publicity this week with his latest installation.
The artist placed a wooden border wall around Donald Trump’s star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame.
The wall was painted to look like concrete and the artist added barbed wire and “keep out” signs in English, as well as Spanish.
While simple in design and completion, it certainty caught the attention of thousands of tourists stopping by to snap a picture of what has become the symbol of Donald Trump’s campaign.
Building a wall at the US Mexico border and making México pay for it has been Trump’s battle cry from the beginning of his campaign for the presidency.
Installed early last week, during the Trump acceptance speech, several people, including an actor playing Edward Scissorhands, decided the installation was causing too much attention.
The wall was taken down and then put back by Plastic Jesus, but now, apparently, someone attacked the wall again and the artist has taken the piece back to his studio.
We’re not quite sure who is paying for the wall.
Plastic Jesus is known for posting “No Trump Anytime” signs on street corners earlier this year. His website says his art is influenced by news and culture.