To My Fellow Team Monrovia Members,
It has been an honor and privilege to have served this wonderful community alongside you.
Reflecting back on the last twelve years I am filled with pride. Our years together are filled with major accomplishments such as the Wilderness Preserve and the Management Plan; planning and building our beautiful library; and developing our Old Town into a premiere shopping, entertainment, and dining destination. The epic struggle by this city and the region to bring the Gold Line light rail is a game changer for us all. The benefits to our community through the Station Square development, including a new park, are unmatched and will stand as a tribute of our collective work for years to come.
Together we brought new homes, condos and rentals to our community, and ensured affordable homeownership in what I believe was one of our finest hours, building new homes in collaboration with Habitat for Humanity. While we brought new residences we also protected and honored our historical homes and the spirit of our community.
We have developed and nurtured one of the most dynamic leadership programs (MAP) in the entire state; revitalized our parks and playgrounds; opened the school yards for parks after school hours; developed and achieved environmental accords and goals; nurtured our youth; developed the essential Youth Employment Service (YES) program; and respected and supported our seniors.
These larger projects are important, but they pale to the day-to-day interactions with our citizens. This is where you shine – where our public benefits most. Our primary focus has and will always be to protect and serve and each one of you from the police and fire to public works and every other department prove your dedication to this community through your daily actions. For this, I thank you!
Our journey hasn’t always been easy, there have been trials and obstacles in the path, but you have perservered through it all and kept this community’s best interests above all else.
There are many plans and projects that we started together, or imagined together, that I will not be albe to be with you during the implementation. I take comfort knowing that you will complete these projects admirably and the goals will be achieved.
While I do not know what the future holds, I do know that you will carry on and continue the work we started. You will continue these efforts in a collaborative, positive manner that enriches our community and enhances the lives of Monrovians. I will chear and delight in all of your future accomplishments. It is my hope that we can continue in some way to collaborate and that you feel you can reach out to me at any time.
You have touched my life for the better and I will be eternally grateful for the many things I have learned from you. You have my encouragement, respect, and love. Thank you for being a part of my life!
With love and respect,
-Mary Ann Lutz
April 28, 2015