Last Thursday, May 26, at a live recording of a debate for KPCC’s “AirTalk,” host Larry Mantle asked all five Republican candidates for Los Angeles County’s 5th Supervisorial District if they were opposed to Donald Trump serving as their party’s Presidential nominee. To the surprise of many, only Ara Najarian was willing to distance himself from the controversial billionaire.
The host asked: “Are any of you already decided that you will not support Donald Trump as the republican nominee? Any hands in the air?”
Mantle’s question was followed by a period of uncomfortable silence by the Republican candidates. Then, Mitch Englander spoke up saying that, “people are frustrated with government,” which is why so many voters are supporting Donald Trump.
Ara Najarian then noted his concerns about Trump’s platform and said he would not vote for him in the coming election, unless he saw a change in his platform or policies.
Kathryn Barger, Bob Huff, and Elan Carr opted to remain completely silent on the issue of Trump.
The question came about after Mantle asked the lone Democratic candidate on stage, Darrell Park, why he chose to put a picture of Trump on his mail that linked the five Republican candidates to the divisive figurehead.
Park’s response was that as the presumptive GOP Presidential Nominee, Donald Trump has become the symbolic head of the same political party in which his top five opponents are active.
Park stated: “[As of] Today, Donald Trump got enough delegates to be the Republican Party’s [official standard] bearer for the Presidency of the United States … This is a district that has almost 100,000 more registered Democrats than Republicans … I think it’s very important to put that information out there.”
The debate continued for 45 minutes and displayed stark policy differences between Darrell Park and his five Republican opponents.