
Arcadia City Council Unanimously Adopts Single-Family Residential Zoning Code Update


An update to single-family residential zoning regulations was first authorized by the city council in June 2014 in response to growing concerns about the size of new homes being built in the community, their relation to nearby residences, and cohesiveness within neighborhoods. - Photo by Terry Miller
An update to single-family residential zoning regulations was first authorized by the city council in June 2014 in response to growing concerns about the size of new homes being built in the community, their relation to nearby residences, and cohesiveness within neighborhoods. – Photo by Terry Miller


The Arcadia City Council voted 5-0 in favor of adopting a comprehensive Residential Zoning Code Update at their April 19 meeting. The unanimous vote comes after two years of research, numerous community meetings and discussions, and well-researched recommendations from a citizen committee, the planning commission and the city council.

“This is a very exciting time because we know that residential zoning standards have been a discussion in the community for 30 years. We hope that the new ordinance will shape the community for the next 30 years,” said City Manager Dominic Lazzaretto. “The new code responds to the issues raised by the residents and represents all view points in the community.”

An update to single-family residential zoning regulations was first authorized by the city council in June 2014 in response to growing concerns about the size of new homes being built in the community, their relation to nearby residences, and cohesiveness within neighborhoods. In the process of starting a Zoning Code Update, the city was resolute in making sure all of the different voices in the community were heard and considered. Through a series of public community meetings held in 2015, the city gathered feedback, suggestions, and comments that were relayed to the zoning review committee, an advisory group of resident stakeholders specially chosen for their diverse background and wide-ranging viewpoints. In all, the zoning review committee met for three-and-a-half days to develop a set of recommendations. The suggested amendments then moved on the planning commission where a few additional revisions were submitted before being presented to the city council for final approval and adoption.

“Tuesday’s night’s unanimous vote on the Residential Zoning Code Update was an exciting and positive conclusion to a long, and often contentious, process,” said Mayor Gary Kovacic. “The regulations adopted are fair, balanced, and equitable, and will greatly enhance Arcadia’s quality of life and sense of community. The process included substantial public and professional input, and I really appreciate the participation and perspectives offered by the many Arcadians who voiced their opinions throughout this notable chapter in the life of our community.”

The Residential Zoning Code Update addressed seven major topics: setbacks, height, basements, parking, hillside standards, floor area ratio (FAR), and hedges/landscaping in front yards. The most notable change to the current zoning standards was the creation of a floor area ratio, which establishes the percentage of land a home may occupy based on the size of its lot. Although a longstanding regulation in neighboring cities, Arcadia had previously not established such a standard. With the new zoning regulations in place, the four adopted floor area ratios are more consistent with similar cities, and maximum home sizes will vary by neighborhood and property size to ensure compatibility while still enhancing home values. The specific recommendations approved by the city council, as well as additional information on public outreach, community survey results and publications, can be found under the news section on the city website: www.ArcadiaCA.gov.

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