By Susan Motander
A Saturday constitutional ‘round Library Park is not normally excited by a U.F.O. sighting – in this case, an Unidentified Freaky Object. But last weekend, such was the case. Something was peeking out from the alley off the parking lot south of the park, and that “something” seemed to shuttle back out of sight when observed.
Describing it is not easy. It had one large bloodshot eye which rolled about, set between two blue-tipped horns. Below that eye was a dusty gaping maw of a mouth surrounded by gigantic teeth. And indeed, it was capable of movement.
Closer inspection found the creature was accompanied by its creator, artist Mark Dugally. He patiently explained that the monster, Recyclops, had been created out of recycled materials and that he intended to take this “art piece” to the Burning Man festival this weekend.
This will be Dugally’s fourth year at the art festival in Black Rock City, Nevada. “It is the greatest art show on earth,” Dugally said. He also called participating in it a “commitment.”
Dugally is an interior design artist who also customizes motorcycles and scooters. More of his work can be seen on his website: www.dugallery.com. The Monrovia resident said that his father, an architect, had inspired and mentored his interest in art and in creating. Dugally said his first interior design job was the creation of a wrought iron piece when he was only 12 years old.
Recylcops itself was crated totally from recycled materials. The base is a ’96 police cruiser Chevy Caprice (that actually shows police work in a prior life). It is covered with everything from carpet remnants to jeans and t-shirts to old sofa and RV cushions. And those gigantic teeth? They are empty five-gallon water jugs.
The creature looks ferocious, but Dugally says, “He could consume you, but he wouldn’t do it … he is much too nice. He devours all sorts of junk and then poops rainbows.”
Dugally reported that one of his neighbors, an old woman who had been highly critical of several of his prior endeavors, had eyed this new creation carefully. He said that after a few moments, she had given him a wicked little smile and said, “It’s a horrible thing.”
And so, Recyclops, the Horrible Thing, that delightfully qwarky (it is too out of it to be merely qwirky) objet d’art will take off to the desert this weekend. Its creator, Mark Dugally, will travel with it. A fitting pair; as Dugally says he not only thinks outside the box, but he “smashed the box, then threw it into the desert and burned it.”
Bon Voyage.