Last week we showed you a photo of Arcadia’s efforts to reduce water usage and the speaker of the house has decided, in his infinite wisdom, to shed ‘Republican light’ on the drought.
Speaker John Boehner posted this on his Facebook page:
“If ever there was a phrase that perfectly encapsulates liberal environmentalists’ backwards priorities and regressive ideology of restriction and scarcity, it is the one now displayed on a government sign in Arcadia, California: ‘It’s ‘green’ to go brown.’
Visit http://j.mp/1M8kIay to learn more about what Congress is doing to end President Obama’s man-made water shortage in the West and allow water resources to be managed in a way that actually makes sense.”
We asked City Manager Dominic Lazzaretto to comment on the Speaker’s bizarre comments:
Here is the Arcadia City Manager’s brilliant retort to Boehner:
“If the Speaker would like to send Arcadia the thousands of acre-feet of water we would need to be able to keep our lawns green, I will happily accept them. Otherwise, Arcadia will continue to do its part to ensure that our residents have enough water to drink until the drought breaks.”
Arcadia’s Mayor, Gary Kovacic, added this comment to the Speaker’s remarks: “If the Speaker’s perpetual golf game ever brings him to Santa Anita Golf Course, perhaps he will understand the true facts about our drought and Arcadia’s tremendous efforts to conserve.”