A team of researchers at Cal Poly Pomona are looking for residents in the San Gabriel Valley to participate in a water conservation research study. The team, headed by undergraduate researcher Renee Estephan of the Cal Poly Pomona Biological Sciences Department, is researching the efficacy of promotional efforts on water conservation in the San Gabriel Valley as well as the implementation of these incentive programs within the greater San Gabriel Valley. Some of the more popular incentive programs residents may have heard of or taken advantage of include the rain barrel rebate program and turf removal program.
Residents who wish to participate in the research study must complete an online survey (see link below) AND must live in one of the nine San Gabriel Valley focus cities: Azusa, Arcadia, Bradbury, Covina, Duarte, Glendora, Irwindale, Monrovia, or Sierra Madre. The online survey will be open until the end of August. Please feel free to spread the link and this article to friends, family and neighbors residing in one of the nine focus cities.
Results of this study will help researchers as well as municipalities and water districts gain insight on the efficacy of incentive program promotional and implementation efforts in the greater San Gabriel Valley. In the fall, results will be compiled and shared at city council meetings of cities surveyed. To keep up with the project, visit http://waterwarriorssgv.weebly.com. Please direct any questions to Renee Estephan at rjestephan@cpp.edu.
Link to survey: http://tinyurl.com/ndpdrsx.