
Dear Editor: Arcadia Takes Pedestrian Safety Very Seriously

Dear Editor:

This is in response to a letter to the editor of the Arcadia Weekly on April 30, 2015 by Ms. E. Nelson.

The City of Arcadia takes pedestrian safety very seriously in every aspect, and especially at crosswalks and around schools.

With regard to crosswalk signage, Ms. Nelson points out the lack of big yellow “Children Crossing” or “Pedestrian Crossing” signs where there is a signal. The City of Arcadia, as with most cities in California, follows the California Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices (CMUTCD). The CMUTCD has been adopted by the State in accordance with the California Vehicle Code as the uniform standards and specifications for all official traffic control devices. As for pedestrian crossing signs at traffic signals, the CMUTCD very clearly states that School Crosswalk Warning signs shall not be installed on approaches to crosswalks that are controlled by stop signs, yield signs or traffic signals. We certainly agree with Ms. Nelson that these signs at midblock and uncontrolled intersections are important and helpful and the City of Arcadia does place such signs and other warning systems at uncontrolled intersections.

The City of Arcadia has made schools a high priority for pedestrian and traffic safety. The City employs 13 crossing guards, of which Ms. Nelson is one, throughout the City at key crosswalks at or near its public schools. The City also makes annual visits to each public school to observe traffic safety conditions with a team comprised of the City Engineer, the Transportation Services Manager, the Police Traffic Sergeant, and a school district representative. The team observes vehicle and pedestrian activities, identifies problems and recommends improvements. These visits often result in changes or modifications to City street signing and striping, and/or School operations and circulation. Also, the Police department assigns specific schools to its traffic officers to perform regular patrol and enforcement on a more consistent basis.

Regarding pedestrian safety at traffic signals, the City continuously monitors its signalized intersections and makes upgrades where necessary for pedestrian safety. Recent improvements have included such items as extended green times for pedestrian crossings, pedestrian count-down clocks, striping modifications to the ladder-style striped crosswalks, and audible pedestrian signals.

For any traffic related questions or requests, please contact Patricia Auriemmoin the Engineering Division of the Development services Department at (626) 574-5411 or pauriemmo@ci.arcadia.ca.us.

Thank you for this opportunity.


-Philip Wray

Deputy Development Services Director / City Engineer

Development Services Department, City of Arcadia


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