Ensemble Paradiso will present a concert in the chapel of Church of the Good Shepherd on Sunday, May 17, at 3 p.m. The program will feature works by Bartok, Ravel, and jazzy “Café Music” by Paul Shoenfield performed by Jessica Guideri, violin; Danielle Guideri, cello; and Timothy Durkovic, piano. This is the season’s final concert in the ongoing series of “Music in Sacred Spaces” at the church. Requested donations of $15 (students with I.D. $10) benefit the music program and will be taken at the door. Church of the Good Shepherd, United Methodist, is at 400 W. Duarte Road, Arcadia. For more information: (626) 447-2181 or www.cgsum.org.
Home Neighborhood San Gabriel Valley Arcadia Weekly Ensemble Paradiso to be Season’s Final Concert at Good Shepherd
Ensemble Paradiso to be Season’s Final Concert at Good Shepherd
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