David James Echauri, passed away unexpectedly Oct 21, 2014, at the age of 18. He was born in Arcadia, May 15, 1996 and recently graduated from Arcadia High School – As a recipient of “Pathways to Success” Academic Scholarship program he attended Pasadena City College. He is survived by his father, Robert, his Mother Kathleen, Brothers Ryan & Matthew and also by his Aunt “Trish” Baranowski, Uncle Joe, Kevin & Sean, Uncle Michael Fay & Aunt Violet, and his Grandmother Clara Fay.
David loved life to the fullest. David loved snowboarding, hiking, cars, skateboarding, the music for the 80’s and 90’s. Additionally he loved Alberto’s, In-N-Out, Spices Thai Kitchen, and Carl’s Jr.
Memorial mass to be held at Holy Angels – – 370 Campus Drive Arcadia, on November 6th, at 6pm. All are welcome. Reception will follow in the hall.
Home Neighborhood San Gabriel Valley Arcadia Weekly David James Echauri, 18
David James Echauri, 18
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