Meet the dedicated men and women of the Pasadena Fire Department during Fire Service Day on Saturday, May 10, from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m.
At Fire Station 33, 515 N. Lake Ave., firefighters will demonstrate life-saving and fire-suppression techniques including vehicle fires and extinguishments, vehicle rescue operation using the Jaws of Life, and aerial ladder operations. Fire engines, trucks and other apparatus will be on display, and there will be hot dogs and other refreshments as well as entertainment. Fire Station 33 is on the west side of Lake Avenue just north of Villa Street.
Parking will be available in Lots C and D at Lake Avenue Church one block south of the fire station.
All other fire stations in Pasadena will be open to the public as well to meet firefighters and showcase the fire apparatus:
” Fire Station #31, 135 S. Fair Oaks Ave.
” Fire Station #32, 2424 E. Villa St.
” Fire Station #34, 1138 E. Del Mar Blvd.
” Fire Station #36, 1140 N. Fair Oaks Ave.
” Fire Station #37, 3430 E. Foothill Blvd.
” Fire Station #38, 1150 E. Linda Vista Ave.
” Fire Station #39, 50 Avenue 64
Home Neighborhood San Gabriel Valley Pasadena Independent Fire Service Dayopen House May 10 in Pasadena
Fire Service Dayopen House May 10 in Pasadena
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