Dear Editor:
I wish your paper would do an article on horrible and unsafe water that Sierra Madre is now providing to its residents. The water is rusty covered and foams and has a metallic smell, so that it cannot be used for drinking water. When I have drunk it, I have ended up with stomach pains.
I have complained about this several times and had two flushes of my system, only to have the problem return the next day. I have talked to the plumber about these issues and they have told me that everyone in Sierra Madre is having the same problem. Today I left a jar with water from my kitchen sink with the staff at City Hall. Another person overheard my complaint and she said that her water also was disgusting. The staff member with whom I left the jar acknowledged she too had the problem and was using Brita to filter. The Director of Public Works was too busy to talk to me but I have been promised a phone call.
There is something wrong with this picture. We have to pay exorbitantly higher prices for water, and we can’t even drink it; we have to buy bottled water or filtering systems.
Cynthia E. Gitt
Sierra Madre