Brien Ouyng 9th grade student tries his skills on the driving simulator while reading a text Friday morning. Result, crash! – Photo by Terry Miller
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Often around graduation, students learn of the dangers of drinking and driving with the aid of Every Fifteen Minutes program which re-enacts a fatal car accident in front of a local High School. The message is vividly clear as firefighters and police arrest the suspected drunk driver and cart away the bodies of the victims.
However a growing number of accidents over the years as a result of texting while driving has caused serious al;arm in the law enforcement communities who try and educate kids of these dangers.
Statistically 4000 deaths per year can be attributed to texting and driving. Another 4000, according to Text Kills are killed while walking and texting.
‘Text Kills’ participated in an event at Arcadia high school Friday morning., which poses the question “What if we made good choices?” to students. Text Kills asks students to take the pledge not to text while driving or use their phones behind the wheel by signing their Text Kills Tour Bus, which has already garnered over 100,000 signatures.
Attendees were able to participate in a texting and distracted driving simulations and get pictures with Swerve the Text Kills® Gorilla. Text Kills® is a donation supported outreach program that regularly partners with law enforcement, fire/safety authorities, middle and high schools, non-profits, outreach programs, and corporate safety officers in an effort to educate and increase public awareness to the dangers of cell phone use while driving or when used to bully and harass.