Pasadena and Glendale schools garner ‘Distinguished school’ awards
State Superintendent of Public Instruction Tom Torlakson today named 424 public elementary schools California Distinguished Schools for their strong commitment and innovative approaches to improving student academic achievement.
“I applaud these strong, thriving schools that are making such impressive strides in preparing their students for continued success,” Torlakson said. “This award is well-deserved by these school communities for their enduring dedication to high standards, hard work, and unwavering support.”
The 2014 California Distinguished Schools Program focuses on California’s students’ right to an equitable and rigorous education, and recognizes those schools that have made progress in narrowing the academic achievement gap.
To apply for Distinguished School honors, schools must meet a variety of eligibility criteria, including accountability measures. Once schools are deemed eligible, the California Department of Education (CDE) invites them to apply to be recognized as a California Distinguished School. The process consists of a written application, which includes a comprehensive description of two of the school’s signature practices, and a county-led site validation review process focused on the implementation of those signature practices.
Schools earning the Distinguished School title agree to share their signature practices with other schools and become a mentor to those seeking to replicate their work. An updated searchable database of these Signature Practices will be available later this spring from the CDE. To view the current Signature Practices Web portal, please visit the Distinguished Schools Signature Practices Web page.
Elementary and secondary schools are recognized in alternate years. For more information, please go to the California Distinguished Schools Program Web page. Schools selected as California Distinguished Schools will be honored in early June during regional award ceremonies.
Also being honored during the ceremonies are the Title I Academic Achievement Awardees, which will be announced next week; Green Ribbon Schools; Civic Learning Award schools; and schools recognized last fall by the federal National Blue Ribbon Schools Program.
In addition to being chosen as Distinguished Schools, 30 schools were given an additional honor of being selected as having an Exemplary Program in either Arts Education or Physical Activity and Nutrition after undergoing a separate application process. These schools will be denoted on the attached list by asterisks—one asterisk for an Exemplary Arts Education Program and two asterisks for an Exemplary Physical Activity and Nutrition Program. The awards, introduced in 2013, reflect Torlakson’s goals outlined in his A Blueprint for Great Schools report, which provides vision and direction for California’s education system.
California Distinguished Schools for 2014
AlamedaAlameda UnifiedEdison
AlamedaDublin UnifiedHarold William Kolb**
AlamedaFremont UnifiedArdenwood Elementary
AlamedaFremont UnifiedFred E. Weibel Elementary
AlamedaFremont UnifiedJames Leitch Elementary
AlamedaFremont UnifiedJohn Gomes Elementary
AlamedaFremont UnifiedJoshua Chadbourne Elementary
AlamedaFremont UnifiedMission San Jose Elementary
AlamedaFremont UnifiedMission Valley Elementary
AlamedaFremont UnifiedNiles Elementary
AlamedaNew Haven UnifiedPioneer Elementary
AlamedaNewark UnifiedJames L. Bunker Elementary
AlamedaNewark UnifiedJohn F. Kennedy Elementary
AlamedaOakland UnifiedAchieve Academy
AlamedaOakland UnifiedMontclair Elementary
AlamedaOakland UnifiedThink College Now
AlamedaPleasanton UnifiedDonlon Elementary
AlamedaPleasanton UnifiedHenry P. Mohr Elementary
AlamedaPleasanton UnifiedPhoebe Apperson Hearst Elementary
AlamedaPleasanton UnifiedVintage Hills Elementary
AlamedaPleasanton UnifiedWalnut Grove Elementary
AlamedaSunol Glen UnifiedSunol Glen Elementary
ButteChico UnifiedNeal Dow Elementary
ButteChico UnifiedShasta Elementary
ButteDurham UnifiedDurham Elementary
ButteParadise UnifiedAchieve Charter School of Paradise Inc.
Contra CostaLafayette ElementaryLafayette Elementary
Contra CostaMt. Diablo UnifiedMt. Diablo Elementary
Contra CostaMt. Diablo UnifiedSequoia Elementary
Contra CostaMt. Diablo UnifiedSilverwood Elementary
Contra CostaMt. Diablo UnifiedStrandwood Elementary
Contra CostaMt. Diablo UnifiedValle Verde Elementary
Contra CostaMt. Diablo UnifiedWalnut Acres Elementary
Contra CostaOrinda Union ElementaryDel Rey Elementary
Contra CostaOrinda Union ElementaryGlorietta Elementary
Contra CostaOrinda Union ElementarySleepy Hollow Elementary
Contra CostaOrinda Union ElementaryWagner Ranch Elementary
Contra CostaSan Ramon Valley UnifiedBollinger Canyon Elementary
Contra CostaSan Ramon Valley UnifiedCoyote Creek Elementary
Contra CostaSan Ramon Valley UnifiedGolden View Elementary
Contra CostaSan Ramon Valley UnifiedGreenbrook Elementary
Contra CostaSan Ramon Valley UnifiedHidden Hills Elementary
Contra CostaSan Ramon Valley UnifiedJohn Baldwin Elementary
Contra CostaSan Ramon Valley UnifiedLive Oak Elementary
Contra CostaSan Ramon Valley UnifiedNeil A. Armstrong Elementary
Contra CostaSan Ramon Valley UnifiedRancho Romero Elementary
Contra CostaSan Ramon Valley UnifiedSycamore Valley Elementary
Contra CostaSan Ramon Valley UnifiedTassajara Hills Elementary
Contra CostaSan Ramon Valley UnifiedVista Grande Elementary
Contra CostaWalnut Creek ElementaryWalnut Heights Elementary
El DoradoBlack Oak Mine UnifiedNorthside Elementary
El DoradoBuckeye Union ElementaryOak Meadow Elementary
El DoradoBuckeye Union ElementarySilva Valley Elementary
El DoradoBuckeye Union ElementaryWilliam Brooks Elementary
El DoradoLake Tahoe UnifiedLake Tahoe Environmental Science Magnet
El DoradoPollock Pines ElementaryPinewood Elementary
El DoradoRescue Union ElementaryJackson Elementary
El DoradoRescue Union ElementaryLake Forest Elementary
El DoradoRescue Union ElementaryLakeview Elementary
El DoradoRescue Union ElementaryRescue Elementary
FresnoClay Joint ElementaryClay Elementary
FresnoClovis UnifiedCedarwood Elementary
FresnoClovis UnifiedDry Creek Elementary
FresnoClovis UnifiedPinedale Elementary
FresnoClovis UnifiedRiverview Elementary
FresnoFresno UnifiedManchester Gate
FresnoFresno UnifiedMorris E. Dailey Charter Elementary
FresnoSanger UnifiedJefferson Elementary**
FresnoSanger UnifiedSequoia Elementary
HumboldtFieldbrook ElementaryFieldbrook Elementary
ImperialImperial UnifiedBen Hulse Elementary
KernKern County Office of EducationGrimmway Academy**
KernNorris ElementaryOlive Drive Elementary
KernNorris ElementaryWilliam B. Bimat Elementary
KernPanama-Buena Vista UnionRonald Reagan Elementary
KernPanama-Buena Vista UnionSing Lum Elementary
KernPanama-Buena Vista UnionStockdale Elementary
KernSierra Sands UnifiedInyokern Elementary
KernSierra Sands UnifiedLas Flores Elementary
KingsCentral UnionAkers Elementary
KingsIsland Union ElementaryIsland Elementary
KingsPioneer Union ElementaryPioneer Elementary
Los AngelesABC UnifiedCerritos Elementary
Los AngelesABC UnifiedLeal Elementary
Los AngelesABC UnifiedWilliam F. Elliott Elementary
Los AngelesAlhambra UnifiedGarfield Elementary
Los AngelesAlhambra UnifiedMonterey Highlands Elementary**
Los AngelesBeverly Hills UnifiedHawthorne Elementary
Los AngelesBonita UnifiedFred Ekstrand Elementary
Los AngelesBurbank UnifiedJoaquin Miller Elementary*
Los AngelesBurbank UnifiedRobert Louis Stevenson Elementary*
Los AngelesCharter Oak UnifiedWillow Elementary
Los AngelesClaremont UnifiedCondit Elementary
Los AngelesCompton UnifiedJefferson Elementary
Los AngelesCompton UnifiedTibby Elementary
Los AngelesCovina-Valley UnifiedMerwin Elementary**
Los AngelesCulver City UnifiedLa Ballona Elementary
Los AngelesEast Whittier City ElementaryCeres Elementary
Los AngelesEast Whittier City ElementaryEvergreen Elementary
Los AngelesEast Whittier City ElementaryMurphy Ranch Elementary
Los AngelesGarvey ElementaryMonterey Vista Elementary
Los AngelesGarvey ElementaryWillard (Frances E.) Elementary
Los AngelesGlendale UnifiedCerritos Elementary
Los AngelesGlendale UnifiedJohn Muir Elementary
Los AngelesGlendale UnifiedThomas Edison Elementary
Los AngelesHacienda la Puente UnifiedSunset Elementary
Los AngelesHermosa Beach City ElementaryHermosa Valley Elementary
Los AngelesHermosa Beach City ElementaryHermosa View Elementary
Los AngelesInglewood UnifiedHighland Elementary
Los AngelesInglewood UnifiedWilder’s Preparatory Academy Charter
Los AngelesLa Canada UnifiedLa Canada Elementary
Los AngelesLa Canada UnifiedPalm Crest Elementary**
Los AngelesLa Canada UnifiedParadise Canyon Elementary**
Los AngelesLas Virgenes UnifiedWillow Elementary
Los AngelesLas Virgenes UnifiedYerba Buena Elementary
Los AngelesLittle Lake City ElementaryLakeland Elementary
Los AngelesLittle Lake City ElementaryStudebaker Elementary
Los AngelesLong Beach UnifiedAlvarado Elementary
Los AngelesLong Beach UnifiedLowell Elementary
Los AngelesLong Beach UnifiedNaples Elementary
Los AngelesLos Angeles UnifiedAcademy for Enriched Sciences
Los AngelesLos Angeles UnifiedArroyo Seco Museum Science
Los AngelesLos Angeles UnifiedCelerity Cardinal Charter
Los AngelesLos Angeles UnifiedCelerity Palmati Charter
Los AngelesLos Angeles UnifiedCheremoya Avenue Elementary
Los AngelesLos Angeles UnifiedClifford Street Elementary
Los AngelesLos Angeles UnifiedDearborn Elementary Charter Academy
Los AngelesLos Angeles UnifiedEquitas Academy Charter
Los AngelesLos Angeles UnifiedGoethe International Charter
Los AngelesLos Angeles UnifiedICEF Vista Elementary Academy
Los AngelesLos Angeles UnifiedIvanhoe Elementary
Los AngelesLos Angeles UnifiedKentwood Elementary
Los AngelesLos Angeles UnifiedKester Avenue Elementary
Los AngelesLos Angeles UnifiedKIPP Raices Academy*(**)
Los AngelesLos Angeles UnifiedMountain View Elementary
Los AngelesLos Angeles UnifiedOverland Avenue Elementary*
Los AngelesLos Angeles UnifiedPlaya del Rey Elementary
Los AngelesLos Angeles UnifiedRoscomare Road Elementary
Los AngelesLos Angeles UnifiedVena Avenue Elementary
Los AngelesLos Angeles UnifiedWelby Way Elementary Charter
Los AngelesLos Angeles UnifiedWest Hollywood Elementary*
Los AngelesLos Angeles UnifiedWoodland Hills Elementary Charter For Enriched Studies
Los AngelesLowell JointMeadow Green Elementary
Los AngelesManhattan Beach UnifiedAurelia Pennekamp Elementary
Los AngelesManhattan Beach UnifiedGrand View Elementary
Los AngelesManhattan Beach UnifiedOpal Robinson Elementary
Los AngelesManhattan Beach UnifiedPacific Elementary
Los AngelesNewhallMeadows Elementary
Los AngelesNewhallValencia Valley Elementary
Los AngelesNorwalk-La Mirada UnifiedEscalona Elementary
Los AngelesNorwalk-La Mirada UnifiedJohn Foster Dulles Elementary
Los AngelesPalos Verdes Peninsula UnifiedCornerstone at Pedregal Elementary
Los AngelesPalos Verdes Peninsula UnifiedLunada Bay Elementary
Los AngelesPalos Verdes Peninsula UnifiedMira Catalina Elementary
Los AngelesPalos Verdes Peninsula UnifiedMontemalaga Elementary
Los AngelesPalos Verdes Peninsula UnifiedPoint Vicente Elementary
Los AngelesPalos Verdes Peninsula UnifiedRancho Vista Elementary
Los AngelesPalos Verdes Peninsula UnifiedSilver Spur Elementary
Los AngelesPalos Verdes Peninsula UnifiedVista Grande Elementary
Los AngelesPasadena UnifiedDaniel Webster Elementary
Los AngelesPasadena UnifiedSan Rafael Elementary
Los AngelesPasadena UnifiedTheodore Roosevelt Elementary
Los AngelesRedondo Beach UnifiedAlta Vista Elementary
Los AngelesRedondo Beach UnifiedBeryl Heights Elementary
Los AngelesRedondo Beach UnifiedJefferson Elementary
Los AngelesRedondo Beach UnifiedMadison Elementary**
Los AngelesSan Marino UnifiedCarver Elementary
Los AngelesSan Marino UnifiedValentine Elementary
Los AngelesSanta Monica-Malibu UnifiedFranklin Elementary
Los AngelesSanta Monica-Malibu UnifiedPoint Dume Elementary
Los AngelesSanta Monica-Malibu UnifiedRoosevelt Elementary
Los AngelesSanta Monica-Malibu UnifiedWebster Elementary
Los AngelesSaugus UnionCharles Helmers Elementary
Los AngelesSulphur Springs UnionPinetree Community Elementary
Los AngelesTorrance UnifiedHoward Wood Elementary
Los AngelesWalnut Valley UnifiedEvergreen Elementary*
Los AngelesWalnut Valley UnifiedLeonard G. Westhoff Elementary
Los AngelesWalnut Valley UnifiedMaple Hill Elementary
Los AngelesWalnut Valley UnifiedQuail Summit Elementary
Los AngelesWalnut Valley UnifiedVejar Elementary
Los AngelesWhittier City ElementaryWallen L. Andrews Elementary
MaderaMadera UnifiedSherman Thomas Charter
MarinDixie ElementaryDixie Elementary
MarinReed Union ElementaryBel Aire Elementary
MarinReed Union ElementaryReed Elementary
MarinRoss ElementaryRoss Elementary
MarinRoss Valley ElementaryWade Thomas Elementary
MercedAtwater ElementaryThomas Olaeta Elementary
MercedMerced City ElementaryAllan Peterson Elementary
MontereyCarmel UnifiedCarmel River Elementary
MontereyPacific Grove UnifiedRobert Down Elementary
MontereySoledad UnifiedFrank Ledesma Elementary
NapaCalistoga Joint UnifiedCalistoga Elementary
OrangeCapistrano UnifiedBathgate Elementary
OrangeCapistrano UnifiedChaparral Elementary
OrangeCapistrano UnifiedDon Juan Avila Elementary
OrangeCapistrano UnifiedOxford Preparatory Academy – South Orange
OrangeCapistrano UnifiedVista del Mar Elementary
OrangeCentralia ElementaryLos Coyotes Elementary
OrangeCentralia ElementarySan Marino Elementary
OrangeCypress ElementaryA. E. Arnold Elementary
OrangeFountain Valley ElementaryCourreges (Roch) Elementary
OrangeFountain Valley ElementaryRobert Gisler Elementary
OrangeFountain Valley ElementaryWilliam T. Newland Elementary
OrangeFullerton ElementaryBeechwood Elementary
OrangeFullerton ElementaryHermosa Drive Elementary**
OrangeGarden Grove UnifiedEthan B. Allen Elementary
OrangeGarden Grove UnifiedJohn Murdy Elementary
OrangeGarden Grove UnifiedLoyal Barker Elementary
OrangeHuntington Beach City ElementaryHuntington Seacliff Elementary
OrangeHuntington Beach City ElementaryJohn H. Eader Elementary
OrangeHuntington Beach City ElementaryRalph E. Hawes Elementary
OrangeIrvine UnifiedEastshore Elementary
OrangeIrvine UnifiedStone Creek Elementary
OrangeIrvine UnifiedStonegate Elementary
OrangeIrvine UnifiedTurtle Rock Elementary
OrangeIrvine UnifiedVista Verde
OrangeIrvine UnifiedWestpark Elementary
OrangeLa Habra City ElementaryArbolita Elementary
OrangeLaguna Beach UnifiedEl Morro Elementary
OrangeLaguna Beach UnifiedTop of the World Elementary
OrangeLos Alamitos UnifiedFrancis Hopkinson Elementary
OrangeLos Alamitos UnifiedJ. H. McGaugh Elementary
OrangeLos Alamitos UnifiedJack L. Weaver Elementary
OrangeMagnolia ElementaryPeter Marshall Elementary
OrangeMagnolia ElementaryWalt Disney Elementary
OrangeNewport-Mesa UnifiedEastbluff Elementary
OrangeNewport-Mesa UnifiedHarbor View Elementary
OrangeNewport-Mesa UnifiedLincoln Elementary*
OrangeNewport-Mesa UnifiedMariners Elementary
OrangeNewport-Mesa UnifiedNewport Coast Elementary*
OrangeNewport-Mesa UnifiedNewport Heights Elementary
OrangeNewport-Mesa UnifiedRoy O. Andersen Elementary
OrangeNewport-Mesa UnifiedWoodland Elementary
OrangeOcean ViewVillage View Elementary
OrangeOrange UnifiedChapman Hills Elementary
OrangeOrange UnifiedImperial Elementary
OrangeOrange UnifiedNohl Canyon Elementary
OrangeOrange UnifiedSerrano Elementary
OrangePlacentia-Yorba Linda UnifiedGlenknoll Elementary
OrangePlacentia-Yorba Linda UnifiedGolden Elementary
OrangePlacentia-Yorba Linda UnifiedLakeview Elementary
OrangeSavanna ElementaryHolder Elementary
OrangeTustin UnifiedArroyo Elementary
OrangeTustin UnifiedBenjamin F. Beswick Elementary
OrangeTustin UnifiedGuin Foss Elementary
OrangeTustin UnifiedLadera Elementary
OrangeTustin UnifiedMyford Elementary
OrangeTustin UnifiedPeters Canyon Elementary
OrangeTustin UnifiedTustin Memorial Elementary**
OrangeTustin UnifiedTustin Ranch Elementary
PlacerAuburn Union ElementarySkyridge Elementary
PlacerDry Creek Joint ElementaryDry Creek Elementary
PlacerEureka UnionOakhills Elementary
PlacerRocklin UnifiedSunset Ranch Elementary
PlacerRocklin UnifiedValley View Elementary
PlacerTahoe-Truckee UnifiedGlenshire Elementary
PlacerTahoe-Truckee UnifiedTahoe Lake Elementary
PlumasPlumas UnifiedPioneer/Quincy Elementary
RiversideCorona-Norco UnifiedLincoln Alternative Elementary
RiversideCorona-Norco UnifiedPrado View Elementary
RiversideDesert Sands UnifiedDr. Reynaldo J. Carreon Jr. Academy
RiversideDesert Sands UnifiedMartin Van Buren Elementary
RiversideHemet UnifiedIdyllwild
RiversideMenifee Union ElementaryChester W. Morrison Elementary
RiversideMurrieta Valley UnifiedDaniel N. Buchanan Elementary
RiversideMurrieta Valley UnifiedMurrieta Elementary
RiversidePalm Springs UnifiedCielo Vista Charter**
RiversidePalm Springs UnifiedRio Vista Elementary**
RiversideRiverside UnifiedGeorge Washington Elementary
RiversideTemecula Valley UnifiedTony Tobin Elementary
RiversideVal Verde UnifiedLasselle Elementary
RiversideVal Verde UnifiedMead Valley Elementary
SacramentoElk Grove UnifiedArthur C. Butler Elementary
SacramentoFolsom-Cordova UnifiedOak Chan Elementary
SacramentoFolsom-Cordova UnifiedRussell Ranch Elementary
SacramentoNatomas UnifiedTwo Rivers Elementary
SacramentoRiver Delta Joint UnifiedD. H. White Elementary
SacramentoSan Juan UnifiedSierra Oaks K-8
San BernardinoAlta Loma ElementaryHermosa Elementary
San BernardinoChino Valley UnifiedGerald F. Litel Elementary
San BernardinoChino Valley UnifiedLiberty Elementary
San BernardinoChino Valley UnifiedOxford Preparatory Academy – Chino Valle
San BernardinoEtiwanda ElementaryCaryn Elementary
San BernardinoEtiwanda ElementaryWindrows Elementary
San BernardinoFontana UnifiedOak Park Elementary
San BernardinoMorongo UnifiedYucca Mesa Elementary
San BernardinoRedlands UnifiedMcKinley Elementary
San BernardinoRedlands UnifiedMentone Elementary
San BernardinoVictor ElementaryGalileo Academy 101
San DiegoCajon Valley UnionBlossom Valley Elementary
San DiegoCajon Valley UnionRios Elementary
San DiegoCarlsbad UnifiedHope Elementary
San DiegoChula Vista ElementaryArroyo Vista Charter
San DiegoChula Vista ElementaryCasillas (Joseph) Elementary
San DiegoChula Vista ElementaryDiscovery Charter
San DiegoChula Vista ElementaryLilian J. Rice Elementary
San DiegoChula Vista ElementaryRosebank Elementary
San DiegoChula Vista ElementarySilver Wing Elementary
San DiegoChula Vista ElementarySunnyside Elementary
San DiegoDel Mar Union ElementaryCarmel Del Mar Elementary
San DiegoDel Mar Union ElementaryDel Mar Heights Elementary**
San DiegoDel Mar Union ElementaryOcean Air
San DiegoEncinitas Union ElementaryCapri Elementary
San DiegoEncinitas Union ElementaryEl Camino Creek Elementary
San DiegoEncinitas Union ElementaryFlora Vista Elementary
San DiegoEncinitas Union ElementaryLa Costa Heights Elementary
San DiegoEncinitas Union ElementaryMission Estancia Elementary
San DiegoEncinitas Union ElementaryOcean Knoll Elementary
San DiegoEncinitas Union ElementaryOlivenhain Pioneer Elementary
San DiegoFallbrook Union ElementaryLa Paloma Elementary
San DiegoLa Mesa-Spring ValleyRolando Elementary
San DiegoLakeside Union ElementaryLakeview Elementary
San DiegoOceanside UnifiedIvey Ranch Elementary
San DiegoPoway UnifiedCreekside Elementary
San DiegoPoway UnifiedDel Sur Elementary
San DiegoPoway UnifiedStone Ranch Elementary
San DiegoRamona City UnifiedRamona Community
San DiegoSan Diego UnifiedBarnard Elementary
San DiegoSan Diego UnifiedMiller Elementary
San DiegoSan Diego UnifiedOcean Beach Elementary*
San DiegoSan Diego UnifiedSan Diego Global Vision Academy
San DiegoSan Marcos UnifiedCarrillo Elementary
San DiegoSan Marcos UnifiedDiscovery Elementary
San DiegoSolana Beach ElementarySolana Pacific Elementary
San FranciscoSan Francisco UnifiedChinese Immersion School at DeAvila*
San FranciscoSan Francisco UnifiedClaire Lilienthal Elementary
San FranciscoSan Francisco UnifiedClarendon Alternative Elementary
San FranciscoSan Francisco UnifiedCreative Arts Charter*
San FranciscoSan Francisco UnifiedGordon J. Lau Elementary
San FranciscoSan Francisco UnifiedGrattan Elementary
San FranciscoSan Francisco UnifiedLawton Alternative Elementary
San FranciscoSan Francisco UnifiedMcKinley Elementary
San FranciscoSan Francisco UnifiedSunnyside Elementary
San FranciscoSan Francisco UnifiedWest Portal Elementary
San JoaquinLammersville Joint UnifiedBethany Elementary
San Luis ObispoAtascadero UnifiedMonterey Road Elementary
San Luis ObispoSan Luis Coastal UnifiedBellevue-Santa Fe Charter
San Luis ObispoSan Luis Coastal UnifiedTeach Elementary
San MateoBelmont-Redwood Shores ElementaryNesbit Elementary
San MateoCabrillo UnifiedKings Mountain Elementary
San MateoHillsborough City ElementaryNorth Hillsborough**
San MateoHillsborough City ElementaryWest Hillsborough
San MateoMenlo Park City ElementaryLaurel Elementary
San MateoMenlo Park City ElementaryOak Knoll Elementary
San MateoMillbrae ElementaryGreen Hills Elementary
San MateoMillbrae ElementaryMeadows Elementary
San MateoMillbrae ElementarySpring Valley Elementary
San MateoPortola Valley ElementaryOrmondale Elementary
San MateoRedwood City ElementaryNorth Star Academy
San MateoSan Bruno Park ElementaryPortola Elementary
San MateoSan Mateo-Foster CityCollege Park Elementary**
San MateoSouth San Francisco UnifiedSkyline Elementary
Santa BarbaraBallard ElementaryBallard Elementary
Santa BarbaraCarpinteria UnifiedCarpinteria Family
Santa BarbaraCarpinteria UnifiedSummerland Elementary
Santa BarbaraCold Spring ElementaryCold Spring
Santa BarbaraGoleta Union ElementaryMountain View Elementary
Santa BarbaraMontecito Union ElementaryMontecito Union
Santa BarbaraOrcutt Union ElementaryRalph Dunlap Elementary
Santa ClaraCampbell UnionRosemary Elementary
Santa ClaraCampbell UnionVillage School
Santa ClaraCupertino UnionBlue Hills Elementary
Santa ClaraCupertino UnionDilworth Elementary
Santa ClaraCupertino UnionFaria A+ Elementary
Santa ClaraCupertino UnionGarden Gate Elementary
Santa ClaraCupertino UnionLouis E. Stocklmeir Elementary
Santa ClaraCupertino UnionMontclaire Elementary
Santa ClaraEvergreen ElementaryJames Franklin Smith Elementary
Santa ClaraEvergreen ElementaryTom Matsumoto Elementary
Santa ClaraFranklin-McKinley ElementaryCornerstone Academy Preparatory
Santa ClaraFranklin-McKinley ElementaryStonegate Elementary
Santa ClaraLos Altos ElementaryCovington Elementary
Santa ClaraLos Gatos Union ElementaryBlossom Hill Elementary
Santa ClaraLos Gatos Union ElementaryLouise Van Meter Elementary
Santa ClaraMilpitas UnifiedJohn Sinnott Elementary
Santa ClaraMorelandGeorge C. Payne Elementary
Santa ClaraMountain View WhismanFrank L. Huff Elementary
Santa ClaraMountain View WhismanMonta Loma Elementary
Santa ClaraSan Jose UnifiedLos Alamitos Elementary
Santa ClaraSanta Clara County Office of EducationBullis Charter*
Santa ClaraSunnyvaleCherry Chase Elementary
Santa ClaraUnion ElementaryAlta Vista Elementary
Santa ClaraUnion ElementaryCarlton Elementary
Santa ClaraUnion ElementaryOster Elementary
Santa CruzHappy Valley ElementaryHappy Valley Elementary
Santa CruzMountain ElementaryMountain Elementary
Santa CruzPajaro Valley UnifiedValencia Elementary
Santa CruzScotts Valley UnifiedBrook Knoll Elementary
ShastaBella Vista ElementaryBella Vista Elementary**
ShastaPacheco Union ElementaryPrairie Elementary
ShastaRedding ElementarySequoia Middle
SolanoBenicia UnifiedMatthew Turner Elementary
SolanoFairfield-Suisun UnifiedNelda Mundy Elementary
SolanoFairfield-Suisun UnifiedOakbrook Elementary
SonomaCinnabar ElementaryCinnabar Charter
SonomaRincon Valley Union ElementaryAustin Creek Elementary
StanislausCeres UnifiedSinclear Elementary
StanislausHickman Community CharterHickman Charter
StanislausModesto City ElementaryEnslen Elementary
StanislausStanislaus Union ElementaryAgnes M. Baptist Elementary
SutterPleasant Grove Joint UnionPleasant Grove
TulareVisalia UnifiedHurley Elementary
VenturaConejo Valley UnifiedBanyan Elementary
VenturaConejo Valley UnifiedSycamore Canyon
VenturaConejo Valley UnifiedWeathersfield Elementary
VenturaConejo Valley UnifiedWestlake Elementary
VenturaConejo Valley UnifiedWestlake Hills Elementary
VenturaConejo Valley UnifiedWildwood Elementary
VenturaMoorpark UnifiedFlory Academy of Sciences and Technology
VenturaMoorpark UnifiedMountain Meadows Elementary
VenturaOak Park UnifiedBrookside Elementary
VenturaOak Park UnifiedOak Hills Elementary
VenturaOak Park UnifiedRed Oak Elementary
VenturaPleasant ValleyRancho Rosal Elementary
VenturaPleasant ValleySanta Rosa Technology Magnet
VenturaSimi Valley UnifiedKatherine Elementary
VenturaSimi Valley UnifiedVista Elementary
VenturaVentura County Office of EducationMeadows Arts and Technology Elementary*
VenturaVentura UnifiedJuanamaria Elementary
YoloDavis Joint UnifiedBirch Lane Elementary
YoloDavis Joint UnifiedCesar Chavez Elementary
YoloDavis Joint UnifiedRobert E. Willett Elementary
YoloWoodland Joint UnifiedScience & Technology Academy at Knights Landing
* These schools also received an additional award for their Exemplary Arts Education Program.
** These schools also received an additional award for their Exemplary Physical Activity and Nutrition Program.