City Council Monday voted to table a proposed ordinance to require all pit bull breeds to be spayed or neutered.
The controversial ordinance proposed by Councilman Steve Madison for the mandatory spay/neuter of pit bulls and cross breeds has received huge opposition and Monday’s council meeting confirmed that opposition.
The reason for the proposal has been the number of attacks attributed to Pit Bulls in Los Angeles county over the last 20 years.
Madison argued that the ordinance was necessary to avoid violent incidents between the dogs and humans.
“I continue to believe based on the data and facts I have seen that pit bulls are extremely dangerous,” Madison said. “There is undeniably a correlation between this breed for whatever reason there is a connection between this breed and severe attacks. I do think its incumbent upon us to take some action.”
Public comment period ended at about 11:26 p.m. The vast majority of speakers Monday voiced strong opinions against the proposed ordinance for spay/neuter of pit bulls and pit bull-related breeds.
Total of 55 speakers spoke at the podium.
At about 11:47 p.m., Council voted 5-3 in favor of the previous motion to table this issue until July 14 City Council meeting. As part of the motion, staff is directed to come back at that time with additional ordinance options, including an all-breed, all-dog mandatory spay-neuter ordinance, not just specific to pit bulls. Full report by Pasadena Humane Society on animal euthanasia at the shelter was also requested to be presented at that time.
Councilmembers John J. Kennedy, Terry Tornek and Gene Masuda voted against the motion to table/continue the issue on breed-specific spay neuter for pit bulls for future discussion in July.
Councilmembers Steve Madison, Victor Gordo, Margaret McAustin, Vice Mayor Jacque Robinson and Mayor Bill Bogaard voted in favor of the proposal to table item to be brought back July 14.
June/July timeframe is being focused on as timeframe to return because there is also an ongoing citywide door-to-door survey being done by Pasadena Humane Society, estimated to be completed sometime in June. Survey is to help determine amount of dogs in City and licensing compliance, etc.
Home Neighborhood San Gabriel Valley Monrovia Weekly Residents take a bite out of Pasadena council’s Pit Bull proposal
Residents take a bite out of Pasadena council’s Pit Bull proposal
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