One cat was killed, a dog was treated by firefighters for smoke inhalation and five apt. units were damaged when fire erupted at a residential apt.complex on Pasadena Avenue. Lisa Derderian, spokeswoman for the Pasadena Fire Department, said the cause of the fire is under investigation.
The second-alarm fire at 617 S. Pasadena Ave. was reported to the fire department at 11 a.m. Some residents said they heard a loud bang before the fire started and saw smoke coming from one unit as flames shot from the roof.
Pasadena, South Pasadena, Glendale and San Marino Fire Department units responded to the house fire .On arrival Engine 31 reported heavy fire visible from the second floor of the apartments. Units initiated Fire Attack, Primary Search, and Ventilation. Additional units completed Secondary Search and secured Utilities. The fire affected five units, displacing four families. One person was treated on-scene but was not transported to the hospital. One female requested assistance with housing from Red Cross. Fire Investigation determined the fire to be electrical in nature. One dog was successfully resuscitated, one cat succumbed to the fire and two additional cats survived. All of the pets were housed and assisted by Pasadena Humane Society.
-Courtesy of PFD
Home Neighborhood San Gabriel Valley Monrovia Weekly Domestic cat killed during Pasadena fire Monday
Domestic cat killed during Pasadena fire Monday
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