The Second annual El Monte Airport Fly-in and Open House Sunday at the small but exciting little airport right in our backyard. The open house will include all kinds of vintage aircraft including such beauties as a 1929 Travel Air 4000, Curtis Wright plane owned and operated by Gabe Lopez who will be show this plane as well as his famous Stearman that was in the JAG TV series for 10 years. – Photo by Terry Miller
From, 9AM-4PM, at the El Monte Airport (EMT), in El Monte you’ll get a rare chance to see vintage aircraft and learn more about this tiny jewel on an airport right in our own backyard. With
Los Angeles based 9D Media (www.9DMedia.TV) as a major sponsor this year, Aviation displays with an
emphasis on inviting young people to explore aviation and aerospace as a career, is this year’s Open
House theme.
Beacon Media had a preview Tuesday aboard a 1929 Travel Air 4000, Curtis Wright plane owned and operated by Gabe Lopez who will be show this plane as well as his famous Stearman that was in the JAG TV series for 10 years.
Lopez flew Beacon media photographer Terry Miller to Mount Lowe for a flight Tuesday morning get a feel of what these vintage planes can do. Lopez, a 30 year veteran pilot, was trained by his dad who is a decorated military pilot who served in Korea. Both Lopez’ will be available Sunday .
Visitors to the event will be able to enjoy a vast array of aircraft. Other pilots from across
Southern California will “fly-in” to the airport and display their airplanes. A number of
agencies, including the Los Angeles County Fire Department, Los Angeles City Police Department, and
the El Monte Police Department will bring their airships. Public safety representatives will be on hand to
build community awareness of their respective organizations and the many ways they serve the public.
Aircraft and personnel from local aviation businesses will also display aircraft and speak their important
economic role in the aviation community of Southern California. Additionally, many local schools and
civic organizations shall be available to share with the public their role in the aviation community.
In addition to providing funds for additional aircraft display and promotion to make the event even
more exciting this year, 9D Media will also be holding a 2 separate drawings that day for kids to win
partial training toward their private pilot certificate, as well as other aviation related and non-aviation
related prizes.
Annia’s Kitchen, which sits overlooking the runway and is a popular eatery with the locals, will start
serving breakfast beginning at 7AM. Eclectic food fare from several gourmet food trucks as well as many
aviation related vendors will also be available for visitors to the Open House.
Event Parking is available at the El Monte Metrolink Station Parking Lot, 10925 Railroad Street, near the
intersection of Valley Boulevard and Tyler Avenues in the City of El Monte. Free event shuttles are
provided courtesy of the City of El Monte Transportation