Bike to Work Week – May 17
Lucky Baldwin’s To Raffle Cool Bike for ALS Fundraiser
In Honor of Dave Farnworth
By Terry Miller
Lucky Baldwin’s is one of a handful of area businesses to celebrate the bicycle in honor of Bike to Work Day next Thursday May 17. However Lucky Baldwin’s has a special reason to celebrate this year; the life of the late owner of the popular pubs Dave Farnworth.
ALS is very near and dear to Lucky Baldwin’s owner and family of loyal and attentive employees.
The popular Pasadena pub recently lost co-owner Dave Farnworth to the dreadful disease, ALS. Farnworth passed away late last year of Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) which is more commonly known as Lou Gehrig’s disease which affects upper and lower motor neurons and motor neurons. Fransworth was very well-known in the industry especially for his love of Belgian beers and as luck would have it, New Belgium Beers in one of the sponsors of Bike to Work day on May 17.
They also have a really cool program to trade in your car for a bike called Tour de Fat!
It’s when one fortunate soul hands over their car, title and keys to the Tour de Fat altar in exchange for a bike. Not just any bike, a New Belgium, fully-loaded, hand-crafted, Fort Collins-built commuter bike. There’s 13 Tour de Fat stops – surely one near you – and that’s 13 car/bike trade opportunities. It’s about weaning yourself off the petroleum teat. It’s about becoming a better, sexier person. It’s about rediscovering the cultural thrill of public transportation. One year’s time is the minimum commitment – commuting is your sentence.
You! (Maybe). By agreeing to trade your polluting car for a new bike and committing to sparkle motion, human-powered transport, on stage at Tour de Fat, you become an inspiration to the congregation and beyond. Your vehicular cleansing is filmed, as are your car-free trials and triumphs over the following year, causing thousands to idolize your efforts and begin commuting by bike (we hope).
Submit a video of two minutes or less with your story and desire to be car-free.
Go to our Facebook page, click on Events, and on your city of choice, upload video, photo or written word.
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City of Pasadena to Celebrate –
The Pasadena Department of Transportation’s Prideshare Program, in conjunction with the Los Angeles County Metropolitan Transportation Authority (Metro), is encouraging the public to leave their cars at home and ride bicycles to work on May 17.
“We encourage people to take this opportunity to bike to work, start cycling for fun and fitness and consider regularly using the human power of the pedal instead of the accelerator,” Pasadena Transportation Department Director Fred Dock said.
The Prideshare Program will celebrate Bike to Work Day from 6:30 to 8:30 a.m., Thursday, May 17, at City Hall, 100 N. Garfield Ave. with a special “Pit Stop” for bicyclists. The Bike to Work Day Pit Stop at City Hall will be one of the seven pit stops available in the area to help refuel bike commuters. Local merchants and bicycle shops also will be participating in the event. The event is open to the public and includes refreshments and free giveaways and prizes.
Other Pit Stop locations include the Metro Gold Line Allen stop; Western Asset Plaza; One West Bank; MPG Office Trust Inc.; Caltech and Worthe Real Estate Group. Operating times and participation levels at each site may vary. Go online to Metro’s website at for more information.
Bike to Work Day also helps demonstrate that biking is a viable transportation alternative almost any time of year in Southern California, particularly for commuters who live close to their work, Dock said.
Back To Lucky Baldwin’s Raffle
Under the ownership of British subjects David Farnworth and Peggy Simonian, Lucky Baldwin’s in old Pasadena poured their very first pint July 1, 1996. It wasn’t long before word got around that there was a good “English Pub” in Pasadena complete with character and a feel of the UK.
Following Dave Farnworth’s vision, Co owner Peggy Simonian and the management team decided to celebrate Bike Week and Bike month in Los Angles with a fundraiser for ALS in memory of Dave Farnworth.
Raffle tickets are only $5 for a chance to win this great bike. Tickets are available at all three loactions: Old Town, Sierra Madre and Trappiste at 1770 East Colorado
Bike to Work Day is Thursday May 17 Check out for more details
Drawing-raffle tickets will be held May 20th at 7:00 pm
Proceeds go to ALS
Lucky Baldwins Trappiste is located at 1770 E Colorado Blvd in Pasadena. Lucky Baldwins Deliriums located at 21 Kersting Court, Sierra Madre and the original at 17 S. Raymond in Pasadena. For more details visit their website: