Holly Avenue School Garden Club and Holly Avenue PTA (Arcadia) held an e-waste drive on November 3rd, collecting electronic waste from the community.
Staring at 8:00 AM, there was a continuous line of cars dropping off everything from old computers and televisions to an old 8 track tape player.
With the help of student volunteers from Boy Scout Troop 111 and Arcadia High School and Faculty and Staff from Holly Avenue (including Mrs. Blackstock, Ms. Oakland, Mr. and Mrs. Jogminas, and Ms. Hada), all of the “junk” was processed and loaded in to two trucks.
Holly Avenue PTA wants to thank all of those participating, as well as all of the volunteers.
Holly Avenue PTA (Parent Teacher Association) provides support to Holly Avenue Elementary School to enhance the student’s education.
Home Neighborhood San Gabriel Valley Arcadia Weekly E-Waste Drive Exceeds Expectations in Arcadia
E-Waste Drive Exceeds Expectations in Arcadia
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