By Susan Motander
The City of Monrovia has provided the following information about the construction around Station Square. Please remember to observe all traffic signs and be careful in these construction areas.
Crews will be installing irrigation and will be working on the overhead electrical lines on Magnolia Avenue between Evergreen and the railroad crossing to the south. As a result, there will be full lane closures throughout the week and perhaps for the next few weeks. Pedestrians must use the west side of the street and there will be no street parking available.
Work will also be done on Primrose Avenue south of Evergreen. Here, bus structures will be installed and work completed on the reconstruction of the street itself. South of Pomona Avenue, traffic will be limited to one lane only and pedestrians will be restricted to the east side of the street.
On Myrtle Avenue between Duarte Road and Evergreen Avenue crews will be installing irrigation. Because this work is being done on the west side of the street, pedestrians will need to use the east side only.
Street parking will not be available on Duarte Road between California and Magnolia Avenues because of the installation of light poles and sidewalks in that area.
Street parking will also be prohibited on Pomona Avenue between Myrtle and Magnolia Avenues as pavers will be installed on the south side of the street. Pedestrians will need to use the north side of the street in this area.
Irrigation is being installed on the west side of California Avenue between Duarte Road and Evergreen Avenue. Pedestrian will need to use the east side of the street and there will be no street parking.
At Station Square itself, the contractors will be grading the site and installing the remaining underground utilities. Those using Monrovia’s Park and Ride Lot will find alternative parking spaces at 123 W. Pomona Avenue. Signs are posted in the area to direct those needing parking to the additional spots.
For additional information, check the city’s website: www.cityofmonrovia.org/stationsquare.