Becky Shevlin
It has been an honor to serve Monrovia for the past six years. I pledge to remain connected and informed in working together to meet the needs of all my fellow Monrovians. My commitments include:
-Council Representative for Adopt-A-School, Clifton Middle School; Community Services Commission Liaison, past Commissioner serving 11 years; Foothill Transit Executive Board Member; Mayor Pro Tem (2013/2015); Monrovia Old Town Advisory Board; Southern California Association of Governments and its Community, Economic & Housing Development Committee; SG Valley Council of Governments Housing Committee VP; Alternate – Foothill Workforce Investment Board; LA County Sanitation Districts 15/22; SG Valley Council of Governments; San Gabriel Valley Economic Partnership.
-Community involvement with Friends of the Monrovia Library; Monrovia Historic Preservation Group; Monrovia Association of Fine Arts Board Member; Monrovia Reads Board Member since 2003 and Past President 2008 and 2009; Monrovia Community Coordinating Council Member 17 Years; serving two terms each; in all Executive Board positions; current Calendar Coordinator; Monrovia Chamber BEACON, Secretary, past Chamber Board Member, President 2007; Monrovia Guild – Children’s Hospital of Los Angeles; Organize and participate in clean-up events and Make-a-Difference Days; LA County Commission for Women Commissioner, current President; Sunday School teacher ongoing 34 years; supporter of numerous other Community Groups/Organizations.
I believe I am qualified, prepared, and committed to represent and work with you to address and balance growing economic and regulatory challenges while also diligently working to preserve our rich heritage and sense of community to collectively assure a prosperous future for all Monrovians. Monrovians. I humbly ask for your vote on April 14th and always encourage you to contact me directly at (626)253-0072 or beckyshevlin@gmail.com with any comments, questions, or concerns you may have. Also please see my website www.beckyshevlin.com and Facebook page, Becky Shevlin for City Council.

Clifford DeCosta
Monrovia deserves a full-time government. As a retired banker and peace officer, I can now get involved in the day-to-day programs, policies, and services of the city.
My 20 years in law enforcement gave me skills and experience with state educational mandates, drug rehabilitation, wildlife preservation (in partnership with CAL Fire) and mental health.
My 16 years in banking will aid me with the growth of our business community as well as with fiscal planning.
As a City Council Member, I will advocate for the following:
-To restructure our Neighborhood Watch Program by providing all Neighborhood Watch Captains with annual training. This will enable us, along with our Police Department, to keep our homes, schools, streets, seniors, and children safe.
-To maintain the charm and historic value of the Monrovia that lured me here 35 years ago.
-To bring some new annual cultural events to the city. Being from Hawaii, I could kick-start these events with a Hawaiian Festival.
-To keep our focus on the completion of our Gold Line Project and prioritize the repair of our neighborhood streets and sidewalks.
I, Clifford DeCosta, would like to see all of our Council Members take the lead in the development of our children, by regularly attending school programs, supporting the PTA, and interacting with the community.
I want Monrovia to be the model city of the San Gabriel Valley. As Monrovians, we must remain vigilant by observing and reporting graffiti for documentation and removal. We must stand together to negate any gang activity.
We must secure existing services for our homeless veterans, who risked life and limb to keep terror off American soil. Our gratitude and respect must reflect who we are, not only as Monrovians but, as Americans.
Thank you for your vote on April 14th.

Gloria Crudgington
I am running for City Council because I am deeply concerned about the following issues:
-I attended the 2014 City Council Budget Study Sessions, the only member of the public that attended regularly. We have $38 million in unfunded deferred maintenance, and we budgeted $300,000 to fix it. At this rate, it would take 125 years to repair everything, assuming nothing else breaks. In other words, our City balances the budget by ignoring our streets, our sidewalks, our buildings, and our public space.
-Despite past assurances from City officials that our zoning codes protected us from Arcadia-style McMansions, they don’t. Please visit www.GloriaCrudgington.com to view my Youtube video that brought hundreds of residents to City meetings and led to the temporary demolition moratorium. I am a 17-year Monrovia Historic Preservation Group Board Member and activist. New development must be compatible with our neighborhoods. Who you elect will determine the fate of Monrovia’s quaint charm and uniqueness.
-The City lost a $927,000 grant to restore our historic train depot, centerpiece of our new Gold Line Station. According to a note sent to me by Interim City Manager Fran Delach last year, the “grant funds were neglected” and “the funds had to be returned to the MTA.” Where was City Council oversight? What else have we lost?
I ran the “Yes on Measures A & B” campaign that saved our hillsides from housing development in 2000. I am an 11-year Community Services Commissioner, former Citizen of the Year and dedicated volunteer. I am running to bring these important issues to light and, if elected, to make them a priority. Please visit www.GloriaCrudgington.com for my business credentials, spanning 43 years of wide-ranging experience.
Please email me at gloria@crudg.com with any questions or comments, and I respectfully ask for your vote.

Scott Austin
My name is Scott Austin and I am running for City Council. Shortly after moving to Monrovia ten years ago, I set the goal to run for City Council and have been working toward that goal by serving on the Historic Preservation and Planning Commissions, and have gained valuable knowledge and insight of how the city works that will benefit me as a council member.
I have been employed for 27 years as a Firefighter with the City of Pasadena, and served the last 18 years as a labor leader for Pasadena firefighters, giving me the opportunity to work with City staff and elected leaders to address critical issues facing local governments.
Monrovia is a great place to live and raise a family, but as anywhere, there are important issues that require our attention.
One area of focus is economic development. While working to retain and grow our current business base, we need to form a strategy to broaden our base by attracting emerging sectors such as medical instruments and device production, R&D for aerospace, biomed, and renewable energies to name a few.
A second focus is on sensible spending and saving policies so we can live within our means, fund future needs and be prepared for economic uncertainty.
Third, I am committed to preserve and protect the historic, architectural, and cultural resources of Monrovia.
And last, I am committed to providing a high level of public safety services through adequate staffing, and the latest in training, equipment, and technology for our Fire and Police departments to ensure our community’s safety.
I will work with the business community, our public-sector partners and all of our residents, so we can make a better Monrovia for everyone.
Facebook: Scott Austin 4 Monrovia City Council.

Stephen Grollneck
“We the people…” Actually, Monrovia has become a city of “We the few.” Monrovia is now a city of potholes, dead trees, rotting pipes, cracked sidewalks, homes being torn down to be replaced by oversized pseudo-mansions which ruin the history and beauty of our city. All the citizens hear is “… we have no money.” Look at your property tax bill. What are the select few in city government doing with the money?
Businesses are closing at a rapid rate in Old Town. Our property taxes are rising from the City of Monrovia. Loans are given to special interest groups and contracts awarded to friends of the City Council and Mayor. It is time we take back the City from these special interest groups. Let me work for you to solve these problems.
My name is Stephen Grollnek and I want your vote for City Council. I have lived in Monrovia for the past 27 years. Most of you know me from writing The Monrovia Shadow, implementing the restaurant rating system and helping you, the people, getting things done when it looks hopeless as no one in the City will help with your problem so I have stepped in and gotten the job done.
I will get the streets potholes fixed, sidewalks repaired, trees cut, pipes replaced.
The future of the City is in the hands of you the voter. Help me lead our great city back to the All-American City with your help and vote.
My name is Stephen Grollnek and I am running for City Council. I want and need your vote. God bless Monrovia. Get out there and vote.

Chris Ziegler
As a 20-year Monrovia resident, homeowner and volunteer, I am running for City Council because I care about Monrovia’s future.
My experience as a Navy veteran and former financial services IT professional taught me valuable problem-solving skills and the ability to anticipate challenges. I will ask tough questions, prioritize issues and provide the vision to move Monrovia forward, promising to:
-Value your input, serve you honestly, and restore integrity to Monrovia’s business and political processes. Anything less is unacceptable!
-Hold town-hall meetings, building a more effective, connected and informed citizenry.
-Employ experienced resources, crafting smarter policy, building long-term financial prosperity.
-Seek partnerships with higher levels of government, addressing macro concerns. We must end Clean Water mandate opposition and capitalize on funding sources to build a cleaner, safer, more enjoyable Monrovia.
-Work toward more than just a park for residents in “southern” Monrovia. Our city’s fabric must be re-woven to value and include ALL constituents equally.
My volunteer experience is exceptional (see www.Ziegler4Council.com).
I encourage you to contact me directly and seek-out individuals who know me personally. What I lack in endorsements from current city government, I make up for with broader vision, grass-roots hard work and dedication to a better Monrovia. If you are satisfied with the status quo, then vote for who they support. If you believe Monrovia deserves a new approach, use your voice and vote to insist on change, moving Monrovia into the future: a future where your representatives are honest and direct, where they responsibly administer the important service they are tasked with delivering, and where OUR TAX DOLLARS are not abandoned in Sacramento or Washington for other cities to appropriate.
We are ALL invested in this great city. Let’s work together, making it even better! Humbly, I ask for your vote.

Robert Parry
As I’ve talked to Monrovians from 5th Avenue to Bradbury Drive, from Hillcrest Avenue to Encino Place, I’ve heard many concerns about our special community. Concerns like crime, streets missing lane markers, potholes, empty store fronts and worries about the Gold Line. We must address our massive deferred maintenance backlog, preserve our natural and historic ambiance, and budget carefully.
I’m proud to be endorsed by Monrovia’s leaders: Councilmembers Tom Adams and Alex Blackburn; Former Mayor Rob Hammond, State Senator Dick Mountjoy and Former Councilmember John Nobrega; activists Gwendolyn Jones and Jimmy O’Balles; plus The Monrovia Police Officers’ Association and the Los Angeles County Business Federation.
My qualifications include: Small-business owner, with 20 years in marketing and finance; Military reserve officer: three combat tours; responsible for 120 Soldiers and $10 million in equipment; Master’s degree in business from USC, bachelors in journalism from the University of La Verne; Community advocate and proven City Hall fighter; Member of Monrovia Library Park Conduct Committee; VFW Post 2070 Senior Vice Commander; Daddy to a preschooler; and San Gabriel Valley native.
My priorities are simple:
1. Prioritize fiscal responsibility and public safety.
2. Preserve Monrovia’s unique historic character and wilderness.
3. Maintain our infrastructure.
4. Maximize the opportunity of the Gold Line to attract visitors and new high tech businesses to town while mitigating noise for the neighbors.
5. Improve quality of life: create parks South of Huntington Drive; Support Youth Sports.
I promise to always do what I believe is Monrovia’s best interest. I’ll apply my experience as a father, businessman and leader to every question. And I will respect all who come to participate in our democracy and make Monrovia a better place.
You can learn more at: www.ParryForMonrovia.com
Thank you for the honor of your vote.

Jordan Kittleson
Renowned philosopher Sun Tzu once wrote “Every battle is won before it is ever fought.” These words speak volumes to the vital importance of dedication, work ethic, preparation, and strategic planning in achieving pure Monrovian exceptionalism.
Holding a Master’s degree in Public Administration, my background neatly attaches itself with public service. From serving as a Residential Community Advisor and Secretary of Legislative Affairs in graduate school to providing constituent services to the City of Monrovia as a legislative intern in a Congressional office, I fundamentally believe that my skill set is well-equipped to tackle the toughest of City Council assignments.
Although Monrovia continues to hold an unwavering commitment to excellence and sets the standard on many fronts, there is more work to be done. The epicenter of my platform will prioritize initiatives designed to heighten community development, uplift financial responsibility and accountability, expand city volunteerism, and optimize our potential of educational support for our youth.
The City of Monrovia deserves true public service and security during times of great uncertainty. We are now at a crossroads. In a time when the stakes are high, we must emphasize the importance of small business support, long-term solutions for our homeless, directly addressing infrastructure needs, and preserving the unique character of our architectural beauty and city charm.
Our candidacy is proud to have gained the stamp of approval from the Los Angeles County Business Federation, Congressional Nominees Jack Orswell and Dr. Paul Chabot, the Mountain View GOP, State Senator Bob Huff, retired State Senator Bob Dutton, Upland Councilwoman Carol Timm, and San Bernardino Councilman John Valdivia.
Bearing this in mind, it would be my distinguished honor and esteemed privilege to earn your vote on April 14th for the office of Monrovia City Council. This truly is our time to shine.