A Smart Gardening Workshop, designed to reduce yard waste, save water and encourage composting and grass recycling, is scheduled for Saturday, November 8, 2014 in front of the Boys and Girls Club (600 S. Shamrock Avenue) located in Recreation Park. Free mulch donated by Cal Blend Soils and transported by Athens Services will also be available while supplies last. Bring a shovel, gloves and a container to take home this valuable resource for your gardens and landscaped areas.
The workshop is being sponsored by the City of Monrovia and the Los Angeles County Smart Gardening Program. It will take place from 9:30 to 11:30 a.m. Participants will learn about composting, grasscycling, fire resistant and water-wise gardening. Composting bins will be available to residents for purchase at a reduced price. For more information, call Environmental Services at (626) 932-5553 or 932-5556.