Dear Editor:
Everyone must have a short memory forgetting the Station Fire . If the USFS did not start the fire they sure did not put it out. Now with Yellowstone, Yosemite, and the western Angeles burned down you want to give the fed the eastern side of the forest to burn??? All the USFS had to do was drive up the newly repaired fire road and put the fire out. This was a slow burn not racing across the mountains like in the 60’s fires. What make sense is transfer to the state under management of the counties with 24/7 helicopter patrols by 2 helicopters with standby firefighting helicopters from every airport and heliport next to the mountains. Locally the proposed use of El Monte vacant hangar and Rialto airport for a helicopter assembly plant will further protect the forest.
Bryan Ranger
30 years Avionics and Defense Electronics Engineering