Andrew West Reid Jr, (then 52) FBI Booking Photo
Andrew West Reid Jr, 60, Courtesy Megan’s Law, FBI
A Former Sierra Madre Film coordinator, known legally as Awest, 60, has been released from Federal prison after serving 8 years for child molestation. The 11-year-old girl who was sexually abused by AWest who was living in Sierra Madre was awarded $5.4 million by a Pasadena judge Nov 16 , 2010. The ‘artist’, who legally changed his name from Andrew West Reid Jr. to “Awest,” served an eight-year sentence in federal prison for molesting the girl, who was 6 years old at the time of the crime.
Prosecutors say Awest, who worked in the record industry and in production design and art direction for children’s TV programming, became friends with the girl’s family through his own daughter, who is the same age as the victim.
Sierra Madre Weekly sources confirmed that Awest worked as Independent Contractor / Film coordinator for the city of Sierra Madre in somewhere between 2000-2004, working as liaison with the city and major film studios. He helped scout locations and was liason with many film stidios in Hollywood for shoots in Sierra Madre.
Awest sexually molested and photographed the young girl nude, according to court records.
Awest acted as his own attorney and appeared by way of telephone during several hearings in the course of his trial.
Awest last known addrewss is at 38 E. Mira Monte Avenie, Sierra Madre according to the Megans Law website.
Records indicate he has registered with the Sierra Madre PD as required by law.