-Courtesy photos
Southern California Water Committee (SCWC) and Clear Channel Outdoor (CCO) were joined by state and regional water leaders last week as they announced a partnership to encourage Californians to save water during the ongoing drought. SCWC and CCO launched an advertising campaign featuring a water-saving character, @Lawn_Dude, who will be gracing digital billboards across Southern California and sharing conservation tips with an integrated social media campaign. CCO donated space on 25 digital billboards throughout the Southland to help @Lawn_Dude get this important message across.
“Some Californians haven’t been taking this drought seriously, so I’m here to make sure people take steps to save water,” said @Lawn_Dude, the newest spokesperson for conservation during California’s drought. “I’d be the first to admit that I love using lots of water, but I’m cutting back on my drinking because, take it from me, nobody likes a drunken lawn.”
Governor Jerry Brown announced a drought emergency earlier this year and conditions have yet to improve. The State Water Resources Control Board enacted mandatory water conservation measures this week that impact all Californians, banning excessive watering, hosing of sidewalks and driveways, washing cars without a turnoff valve, and using fountains without recycled water.
“During this time of unprecedented drought, we appreciate creative partnerships, like the one announced today, that utilize interesting and unique ways to spread the word about the importance of conserving water,” said State Water Resources Control Board Vice Chair Fran Spivy-Weber. “Lawn Dude’s presence on digital billboards is going to be a great way to engage people and share water saving tips.”
The digital billboard campaign partnership was announced at a press conference that brought together various water leaders to discuss the new regulations and the increasing need for informational campaigns to help Californians conserve, specifically reducing outdoor water use.
“It is important that each and every Californian do their part to save water and limit outdoor watering,” said Los Angeles City Councilmember Felipe Fuentes, Chair of the Energy & Environment Committee. “We’ve made great progress over the years here in Southern California and Los Angeles, but there is much more to be done. I applaud Clear Channel Outdoor and Southern California Water Committee for collaborating on this important education effort during this historic drought.”
“We appreciate the generous donation of digital billboard space from Clear Channel Outdoor to help get the word out about the importance of reducing outdoor water use,” said Charles Wilson, chairman of the SCWC Board of Trustees. “Our partnership has allowed us to utilize this powerful platform to educate the public and will help move the dial on conservation efforts throughout Southern California.”
CCO regularly donates space on its digital and traditional signs in Southern California and throughout the nation to display public safety and public awareness messages.
“As the statewide drought persists, it’s become increasingly important that Californians get serious about conservation and Clear Channel Outdoor is proud to be a part of this effort to encourage folks to listen up and reduce their personal water use,” said Layne Lawson, director of public affairs for Clear Channel Outdoor. “Everyone needs to make sure that conservation becomes a way of life, and we’re pleased to do our part in spreading that message via our digital signs in Southern California.”
The unique ability of digital signs to reach a wide audience while displaying messages in real-time allows them to act as valuable resources for non-profit organizations, public safety agencies, law enforcement and a variety of others who need to effectively relay messages to the public.
“The Southern California Water Committee and Clear Channel are stepping up to spread the word about conservation with an emphasis on cutting back on outdoor water use during this hottest time of the year,” said Jeffrey Kightlinger, general manager of the Metropolitan Water District of Southern California. “This is an unprecedented drought that requires extraordinary efforts from all Californians.”
The @Lawn_Dude ads will appear on digital billboards across Southern California throughout the summer. Southern Californians are encouraged to interact with @Lawn_Dude on Twitter and share billboard sightings and personal water saving practices.
For more information on SCWC, please visit www.socalwater.org. For additional consumer tips on conservation, visit Save Our Water. For more information about the State Water Board’s emergency regulations, please review the fact sheet here.
www.clearchanneloutdoor.com and http://www.clearchannelinternational.com.