A Compassionate, Cost-Effective Approach, Proven to Reduce Incarceration and Homelessness
The Board of Supervisors unanimously approved implementing Laura’s Law, a comprehensive, treatment-based approach for the mentally ill — many of whom are incapable of recognizing their illness, announced Supervisor Michael D. Antonovich.
“Laura’s Law has proven to significantly improve the lives of program of participants, decrease incarceration, reduce homelessness, and enhance public safety,” said Supervisor Antonovich. “It provides a humane alternative to the revolving door of mental hospitals, jails and the street.”
Supervisor Antonovich, who has worked tirelessly to support this effort, collaborated with former Assemblywoman Helen Thomson who authored the legislation that reformed the 1967 Lanterman-Petris-Short law.
Laura’s Law was named after Laura Wilcox who was killed by a delusional individual suffering with severe mental illness and patterned after New York State’s Kendra’s Law. Initiated by Supervisor Antonovich, the County had previously adopted a successful pilot program which has resulted in a 78% reduction in incarcerations and a 77% reduction in hospitalizations among program participants.