Dear Editor:
Last week I was enjoying an early morning cup of coffee when I heard birds chirping near my back door. I looked out and saw a baby bird sitting on my door step. It was “hunkered down” and seemed to be pouting. On a nearby branch the parents (I am told they are Black Phoebes) were chirping encouragement to the baby to fly. First one, then the other would fly over the baby and flutter its wings as if to show the baby what it should do. Eventually the baby flew a few feet to a bush, and the chirping from the parents continued. Then the baby flew back to the door step. This time it flew into the glass and I had to resist the temptation to rush out and help it. The baby appeared to be unharmed and was looking at the door with its head cocked to one side as if it were trying to figure out what had happened. Again the parents began chirping and the baby flew into the Ficus tree near to the parents. To my surprise the parents flew away, only to return shortly and each fed the baby. I guess flying lessons take a lot of energy. I had to leave the scene for a while and on my return the birds were gone. I thought perhaps they were giving the baby advanced lessons in how to land on a telephone wire. But no, they were back in the nest. These lessons continued for five more days, and now the family has left the nest. I miss them, and I hope that they return next year.
Jim Helms