At their April meeting, the Foothill Gold Line board of directors unanimously voted to award a $2.5 million contract to the AECOM team for the next phase of work for the Azusa to Montclair project. The contract will allow AECOM to support the Foothill Gold Line develop the advanced conceptual engineering for the project, as well as any necessary environmental reviews.
“We had four well qualified teams provide proposals for this work, and AECOM received the highest score based on their experience, staffing plan and understanding of the project,” commented Construction Authority board chairman and Glendora city councilman Doug Tessitor. “AECOM was the design team responsible for the Gold Line Bridge, and we look forward to working with them again on this important next phase of work for the Azusa to Montclair project.”
The project includes six new light rail stations with parking facilities, several dozen at-grade street crossings, two new grade separated crossings, nearly a dozen traction power substations, and all other necessary facilities to support the light rail extension within a shared corridor throughout with heavy rail. Residual Measure R funding for the Foothill Gold Line is being used for this design effort; although no construction funding has yet been secured. The agency anticipates the cost to build the extension to Montclair will be just under $1 billion.
“While we continue to seek out construction funding for the project, we must continue to move this project forward,” continued Tessitor. “The construction now underway from Pasadena to Azusa continues on budget and on schedule, and the time is right to ready the next phase of the Foothill Gold Line for future construction.”
The 12.3-mile Azusa to Montclair project will extend light rail service from the APU/Citrus College Station in the city of Azusa (currently under construction) to the future stations in Glendora, San Dimas, La Verne, Pomona, Claremont and Montclair. The project was environmentally cleared under CEQA in March 2013, when a Locally Preferred Alternative was selected. Over the next two years, this contract will advance the design and engineering for the project to a point where it will be ready for a design-build procurement.
“We are excited to once again support the Metro Gold Line Foothill Extension Construction Authority in fulfilling its mandate and provide the services needed to bring light rail transit service back to the vibrant and cherished communities of Glendora, San Dimas, La Verne, Pomona, Claremont and Montclair, ” stated James de la Loza, Senior Vice President of Transportation for AECOM.
-Photos by Terry Miller